HYDAC 产品和系统资料下载中心 | HYDAC
下载中心 轻松访问 HYDAC 所有组件和系统的技术文档和产品详情,以及行业特定宣传资料。
GHPF - GeoSeal® High-Flow Particulate Filter On HYDAC …
Browse GHPF - GeoSeal® High-Flow Particulate Filter in the HYDAC Technology Corporation catalog including Part Number,Model Code Description,Flow,Cracking Pressure,Filter Rating,Width,Core Products
Gas filter GF series - Process filter, gas filter - Filtration ... - HYDAC
HYDAC has a wide product range of simple and reversible gas filters for pressures up to 1050 bar. All gas filters of our GF series are available with both particle and coalescence filter elements (with the exception of screen basket filter GFS).
Our wide range of products, combined with our expertise in development, manufacturing, sales and service, allows HYDAC to provide comprehensive filtration concepts – from individual filter components to the complete system. Certified quality for the highest standards
Filter design – Filter-IT² online tool | HYDAC
Calculate your best filter design √ Convenient online tool √ Enter operating conditions at filter and oil type or own fluid √ Option to save → Use now!
1.2 FILTER ELEMENTS HYDAC filter elements are validated and their quality is constantly monitored according to the following standards:
垫片式板式换热器(GPHE) - 和捷科技
AISI 304: 主要用于洁净的水水工况 例如, 50°C 可以耐50 ppm 氯离子浓度 AISI 316: 主要用于水水工况 例如, 50°C 可以耐250 ppm 氯离子浓度 254 SMO (高合金不锈钢): 应用广泛,包括高含氯工况 例如, 50°C 可以耐6000 ppm 氯离子浓度 钛: 主要用于海水换热 (3.5% 氯离子浓度) 例如, 用于海水换热时最高温度为130 ...
Start: HYDAC - 贺德克液压技术(上海)有限公司网站
德国HYDAC Technology GmbH 专业生产用于流体过滤技术、液压控制技术、电子测量技术的元件和装置,是世界著名的过滤器、蓄能器、液压阀、电子产品、管夹、电磁铁、液压系统总成等产品的液压件制造商。
Gas filter GF series - Process filter, gas filter - Filtration ...
HYDAC has a wide product range of simple and reversible gas filters for pressures up to 1050 bar. All gas filters of our GF series are available with both particle and coalescence filter elements (with the exception of screen basket filter GFS).
HYDAC piston accumulators with low friction piston seals allow continuous operating velocities of up to 12 ft/sec with short bursts, up to 15 ft/sec (see type 2 piston).
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