Human Gpn1 purified from bacteria binds guanine nucleotides …
2017年4月1日 · In conclusion, we have developed a method to purify properly folded and functionally active human HisGpn1 from bacteria, and showed that the C-terminal tail, universally conserved in all eukaryotic Gpn1 orthologues, stabilizes the …
适用于各种公制和英制内螺纹,以及符合DIN EN ISO 228-1的管螺纹。 头部易握,便于手动装配。 中小型尺寸设有插槽,可用螺丝刀进行安装。 产品材料、颜色、图纸和用途信息,请参阅第 124/125页。 *头部未开槽。 产品材料、颜色、图纸和用途信息,请参阅第 124/125页。 *头部未开槽。 节省时间。 带2 1⁄2螺纹的螺丝止动器,安装更快捷。 产品材料、颜色、图纸和用途信息,请参阅第 …
Screw Plugs - GPN 700 - poeppelmann.com
The GPN 700 screw plugs are suitable for many different internal threads and pipe threads as per DIN EN ISO 228-1. Up to medium sizes, the easy-to-grip head for manual assembly also features a slot so that screwdrivers may be used for fitting. View prices and conditions directly online here and order even more easily. Dimensions in mm.
德国KAPSTO GPN系列堵头 GPN700 G1/4 700 0400 0000
这是德国kapsto gpn系列堵头 gpn700 g1/4的详细页面。 原产国/地区:德国,品名:手柄插头,是否进口:是,牌号:GPN700 G1/4,分类:塑料堵头,货号:700 0400 0000,型号:GPN700 G1/4,材质:PE-HD,品牌:KAPSTO,颜色:黄色。
POEPPELMANN密封件 德国kapsto GPN全系列产品 - 百度爱采购
本公司生产销售密封件 密封件,提供密封件专业参数,密封件价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.密封件 密封件 品牌POEPPELMANN|产地上海|价格1.20元|牌号GPN300F11|材质塑料|品名POEPPELMANN密封件|颜色黑色、白色、黄色、红色|型号POEPPELMANNGPN300F11|分类塑料堵头|产品特性德国kapsto|是否进口是|原产国/地区德国上海密封件;POEPPELMANN密封件;上海POEPPELMANN密封件;上海密封件;POEPPELMANN密封件;上海POEPPELMANN密封件.
Screw Caps - GPN 800 - poeppelmann.com
The GPN 800 screw caps are suitable for many different thread types, such as metric threads, pipe threads and imperial threads. Easy-to-grip external ribs for easy fitting by hand. Screw caps for external protection
MilenGold电气GPN/DPN双进双出小型断路器开关1P+N微型空气 …
这是MilenGold电气GPN/DPN双进双出小型断路器开关1P+N微型空气开关的详细页面。 品牌:MILENGIOD,型号:GPN 6A,GPN 10A,GPN 16A,GPN 20A,GPN 25A,GPN 32A,是否专供外贸:是。
深圳市中软赢科技术有限公司 - GPD G1 外置显卡拓展坞
GPD G1 独有的 Oculink 接口,提供 63Gbps 的有效带宽,可为包括 WIN Max 2 2023 在内的 GPD 产品提供独显拓展,给用户带来最佳游戏和办公体验! 当连接上 Oculink 线缆,GPD G1 的 DP 和 HDMI 接口可同时外接 3 台显示器。
Tapered Closures - GPN 600 - KAPSTO® Onlineshop
The GPN 600 tapered closures can be used universally as a plug or cap and are suitable for closing off bore holes and internal threads, or to protect bolts and external threads. The conical design is ideal for accommodating tolerances.
购买螺旋塞 GPN 700,公制螺纹 - eshop.wurth.cn
适用于各种公制内螺纹。 用于手动装配的防滑头具有最大中等尺寸的附加槽,也便于使用螺丝刀进行装配。