Sportmax GPR-300 - Dunlop Motorcycle
Radial tire technology helps to provide enhanced grip in wet and dry conditions. Optimized construction to enhance handling and responsiveness for street-going sport riding. Advanced belt design and Jointless Band (JLB) rear tire construction utilizes a continuously wound belt for smooth performance and a consistent tire contact patch.
整體性能平衡極佳,深受眾多車廠選用。 出類拔萃的操控性能與舒適感受的全方位休旅胎。 在市街行駛擁有出類拔萃的靈活操控性與舒適感。 在乾、濕地的抓地性能以及耐磨耗性能當中取 …
Dunlop Sportmax GPR-300s - Worried about 'budget' tires
2022年9月13日 · Dave Moss has a great video on how to find your best air pressure for a given bike. Last two tires I ran were GPR300s. The traction was good in the corners, only negative for me was the lifetime, only 3,000mi each before having to replace. I absolutely hated the stock gpr-300s on my ninja.
GPR300インプレ - じいさんの独り言
gpr300は日本車の250でラジアルタイヤが標準装備のバイク全てに採用されています。 メーカーは知っているんですねこのサイズに ミシュラン は無いと言う事を。
Dunlop Sportmax GPR-300 Sport Front And Rear Motorcycle Tire …
2019年8月13日 · It has radial tire technology that helps to provide enhanced grip in wet and dry conditions, optimized construction to enhance handling and responsiveness for street-going sport riding and advanced belt design and Joint less Band (JLB) rear tire construction that utilizes a continuously wound belt for smooth performance and a consistent tire con...
- 评论数: 87
Dunlop Sportmax GPR300 Tires | 14% ($26.96) Off! - RevZilla
Dunlop Sportmax GPR300 Tires. The Dunlop Sportmax GPR-300 is a high-performance radial tire for sport bikes that don't want to compromise. Features: Radial tire technology helps to provide enhanced grip in wet and dry conditions; Optimized construction to enhance handling and responsiveness for street-going sport riding
- 评论数: 172
Dunlop Sportmax GPR-300 Sport Front Motorcycle Tire
2016年10月15日 · It has radial tire technology that helps to provide enhanced grip in wet and dry conditions, optimized construction to enhance handling and responsiveness for street-going sport riding and advanced belt design and Joint less Band (JLB) rear tire construction that utilizes a continuously wound belt for smooth performance and a consistent tire con...
- 评论数: 450
Dunlop Sportmax GPR-300 Sport Rear Motorcycle Tire - 180/55ZR17
2016年10月15日 · O.E.M. fitment for Honda CBR250/300, Kawasaki Ninja 300 and Yamaha R3. CKAuto 1/4oz, 0.25oz, Black, Adhesive Stick on Wheel Weights, EasyPeel Type. Cars, …
- 评论数: 161
SPORTMAX GPR-300 | オンロードラジアル | バイクのタイヤな …
専用のシリカブレンド配合を採用することで路面温度が低い状況下でも柔軟性を損なわず優れたウエット性能を発揮します。 また強い結合力から優れた耐摩耗性能を実現します。 軽快なハンドリングを実現するためにフロントは2CUTベルト構造を採用。 またリアにはHES-JLB構造とエイペックスレス構造を採用し剛性のチューニングを施すことで衝撃吸収性を高め優れた乗り心地を発揮します。またC.T.T.(キャンバースラスト・チューニング・テクノロジー)による専 …
Dunlop Sportmax GPR-300 Review - Motorbike tire shop
2023年10月7日 · Today, I’d like to draw your attention to a notable player in the world of motorcycle tires: the Dunlop Sportmax GPR 300. If you’re seeking a tire that either matches or surpasses the quality of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) rubber on your motorcycle, then the Sportmax GPR 300 should certainly be on your radar.