Logitech G502 HERO High Performance Gaming Mouse
Engineered for advanced gaming performance. G502 HERO features HERO 25K gaming sensor with sub-micron precision tracking, customizable LIGHTSYNC RGB, onboard profiles, repositionable weights and more. Find all the documentation we have available to get this product up and running quickly.
罗技gpw和无线g502到底哪个好?还有powerplay有必要买吗? - 知乎
虽然 GPW 和 G502 无线版都是罗技的旗舰级无线游戏鼠标,两者的传感器、无线技术等硬件配置也基本相同,但罗技对两者的产品定位大有区别。 GPW 的特色在于万金油模具设计和轻量化,所谓的万金油指的是模具极高的兼容性,几乎不挑手型,与之相反的是同为罗技旗舰级鼠标的 G903,摸过的人都知道其有多难握持,而 80g 的重量虽然放现在已经不算新鲜,但对于许多仍然使用 3、4 年前的鼠标,没用过 GPW、毒蝰终极版这类轻量化鼠标的玩家而言绝对会带来前 …
罗技 G502 HERO 高性能游戏鼠标 - Logitech G
G502 HERO 配有可提供更佳追踪精准度的先进光学传感器、可自定义 RGB 灯光、自定义游戏配置文件、从 200 到 25,600 的 DPI 范围和可调节位置的重量配置。 我们倾力打造的 HERO 25K 游戏传感器采用了全新构架,为您提供从未体验过的精准操控。 HERO 能在从 100 - 25,600 的整个 DPI 范围内实现超过 400 IPS 且零平滑、滤波或加速的性能。 HERO 25K 实现了竞技级别的精准度和出色的稳定响应能力。 建议使用罗技 G HUB 罗技 G HUB 自定义和调节 DPI 设置。 使 …
Logitech G502 HERO High Performance Wired Gaming Mouse, …
G502 HERO features an advanced optical sensor for maximum tracking accuracy across the full DPI range, customizable RGB lighting, custom game profiles, adjustable weight system. Next generation HERO sensor delivers precision tracking up to 25,600 DPI with zero smoothing, filtering, or acceleration.
老G502用戶, 感覺G502X不如G502 - 电脑讨论 (新) - Chiphell - 分享 …
2022年10月16日 · 整體手惑有點不自然, 用一會後能習慣一點, 模具設計談不上優良, 502模具是一流水準, 502X是二流, 能用, 沒有明顯難受. 總感覺好像握穩, 又好像沒握穩, 手掌和心裡都有點不踏實, 感覺怎麼握都不太對. 手有點緊張, 時間長了手掌可能會感覺有點酸, 沒有原502握起來那種舒服安心感, 一邊用一邊寫到最後, 感覺背面凹槽真的割手啊! 有點噁心了, 就像一腕味道一般的湯裡面有個老鼠屎, 手心一貼上去就尼M跟凹槽磨蹭, 這怎麼用啊?? 想退了. G502X还是太重了些。 类 …
Logitech G502 HERO vs Logitech G Pro Wireless - RTINGS.com
2025年1月27日 · The Logitech G Pro Wireless is a better gaming mouse than the Logitech G502 HERO. Its wireless design is noticeably lighter. It's also smaller and is suitable for almost every grip and hand size. On the other hand, the G502 has a better cable, and its wheel has tilt inputs and can unlock for free scrolling. No comments yet, refresh to see new ones.
Logitech G PRO Mechanical Gaming Keyboard and Logitech G502 …
G502 mouse: Metal spring tensioning for crisp, clean click feel. Built with and for esports athletes for competition-level performance, speed and precision. Durable GX Blue Click switches deliver an audible and tactile click for a solid, secure keypress. Ultra-portable compact ten keyless design frees up table space for mouse movement.
G Pro Vs. G502 Hero Comparison - Gamer Gear
The G502 Hero by Logitech uses a Hero (proprietary) sensor, providing a DPI/CPI range of 100 - 16,000 DPI. This is combined with a 32-bit ARM processor. This results in a tracking speed of 400+ IPS. It uses a USB connection with a 2.1m Braided cable.
Logitech G Pro Wireless vs Logitech G502 LIGHTSPEED
The Logitech G Pro Wireless is a better gaming mouse than the Logitech G502 LIGHTSPEED, though the two have very different designs. The G Pro Wireless has a smaller, ambidextrous design with two side buttons on each side of the mouse.
Logitech G502 Hero VS. G PRO WIRELESS (MY Analytical Gaming …
2019年3月7日 · Benefits of the GPRO vs G502 Hero: G502 HERO PROS: - The Buttons were missed as it's so nice to have so many options on your mouse to Program. Especially for FPS. Faster reaction time than moving to a button on your keyboard. In FAST PACE FPS Milliseconds of movement count. - The weight factor is completely overrated in this community I believe.