GPSDO/GNSSDO: STM32G4 + u-blox ZED-F9T + TDC7200 - Page …
2022年8月5日 · My architecture is inspired (among others) by thinkfat's DIY GPSDO project w/ STM32, TDC7200. However, I hope to improve on these aspects: However, I hope to improve …
Yet another DIY GPSDO - yes, another one - Page 36 - EEVblog
2023年8月29日 · What I had to do was uncomment a compiler define for a screen. I initially tried enabling GPSDO_OLED, which seemed to sort of working but slowed the serial output down …
Yet another DIY GPSDO - yes, another one - Page 41 - EEVblog
2024年11月1日 · Apropos of just what can be achieved with a 'simple' G3RUH based gpsdo when using a ZED9FT receiver module, I've just posted an update on the latest progress with my pet …
TM4313 GPSDO: strange behavior after a night of poor reception
2024年4月9日 · > For proper GPSDO testing you'll need 3 units (2 known-good) and compare against each other using time interval counters. Or use a Cesium clock to be absolutely sure. …
bg7tbl gpsdo master reference - Page 33 - EEVblog
2020年4月14日 · Thanks Chris Edit: It looks llike whenn Lady Heather is switched from the NMEA mode to the ublox mode, the GPSDO switches also in the ublox mode and the run LED stops …
Yet another DIY GPSDO - yes, another one - Page 1 - EEVblog
2021年5月14日 · I uploaded to GitHub* Version v0.03e of the STM32 GPSDO firmware which implements a 64-bit counter (tested and working) and 64-bit ring buffers, and also provides a …
GPSDO - Using a 10kHz instead of 1Hz pps - Page 1 - EEVblog
2022年12月21日 · This is all in the context of trying to figure out mathematically how much pps data you need to gather to achieve a certain GPSDO precision. Quote from: Gyro on …
Leo Bodnar LBE-1420 and LBE-1421 GPSDO - Page 1 - EEVblog
2025年3月1日 · Unlike OCXO based GPSDO units, the TCXO based LB units lock and are ready to use in a minute or so. The ability to select almost any frequency you need is very handy. I …
Lars DIY GPSDO with Arduino and 1ns resolution TIC - Page 1
2017年8月12日 · -No standardized communication protocol like many commercial GPSDO’s-No display Why did I do this? Since about 2010 I have developed my GPSDO. It started just …
bg7tbl gpsdo master reference - Page 39 - EEVblog
2023年3月28日 · Will be interesting to see pics of the inside of that - appearently it might be the same PCB as my GPSDO w/LCD (no dates on front/end of case), so wonder if it would be a …