Grace Frick - Wikipedia
Grace Marion Frick (January 12, 1903 – November 18, 1979) was an American translator and researcher for her lifelong partner, Belgian-French writer Marguerite Yourcenar. [1] Grace …
Marguerite Yourcenar and Grace Frick on Mount Desert Island, ME
Bound together in an intimate relationship for over 40 years, Marguerite Yourcenar (1903-1987) and Grace Frick (1903-1979) had both an enduring marriage and a productive literary …
Grace Frick on the Lesbian History Trail of Mount Desert Island, …
Grace Marion Frick (January 12, 1903 – November 18, 1979) was a translator and researcher for her lifelong partner French author Marguerite Yourcenar. Grace Frick taught languages at US …
"We Met in Paris": Grace Frick and Her Life with Marguerite Yourcenar
2018年5月31日 · "We Met in Paris" challenges previous depictions of Grace Frick and the couple she formed with the first French Académicienne. It is a scrupulously documented, intimate …
A Review-Essay of We Met in Paris: Grace Frick and Her Life with ...
In beginning the book, our long look at Grace Frick, the lesser known of the two women, is its own fascinating story. Then after Paris and beyond, the biography changes and enlarges what we …
法兰西学院「首位」女院士:没上过学、双性恋、穿着YSL的她“坏 …
2023年4月23日 · 1937年2月,尤瑟纳尔在巴黎邂逅了一个名叫 格蕾丝·弗里克(Grace Frick) 的美国女子,两人一见钟情。 后者是耶鲁大学的博士,而更重要的是,她是后来将尤瑟纳尔的 …
Marguerite Yourcenar and Grace Frick – Global Love Museum
One afternoon in 1937, when she was thirty-three, she was sitting in a hotel bar in Paris talking with a friend about Coleridge when a woman from another table came over and told them they …
2019年6月27日 · 在美国,尤瑟纳尔结识了一个名叫格蕾丝(Grace Frick)的富家女子,格蕾丝为她提供财物支持,于是,尤瑟纳尔辞去教职,和格蕾丝一起找个环境优雅的小岛,安心写作。
Grace Frick — Wikipédia
Grace Frick (12 janvier 1903 – 18 novembre 1979) est une enseignante d'anglais, chercheuse et traductrice de Marguerite Yourcenar et qui devient rapidement sa compagne après leurs …
Grace Frick - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Grace Marion Frick (Toledo, Ohio, 12 de enero de 1903 - 18 de noviembre de 1979) fue una traductora, investigadora y profesora estadounidense, que investigó a su pareja de toda la …