Score/scores, grade/grades or mark/marks? - WordReference …
2007年4月20日 · Adding up the marks to get a score for the paper. Grading Assigning the score to broad categories known as grades, e.g. A,B,C, 1,2,3 etc. Although marks and scores can be …
score/mark/grade - WordReference Forums
2014年10月22日 · My grade /score is 92% in history. My grade /score in science project is A. Or rather, should I say these: My test score in English is high. I got a high score in English test. I …
grade vs. score - WordReference Forums
2016年4月16日 · Each student gets a "grade" for the whole year, for each course they take. Whether it is written as "B+" or "3.7" or "88", it is a "grade". In some schools there is also a …
Preposition: do well / get a good grade <in, on> the exam / test …
2007年4月15日 · "If you follow my suggestions, you will get a good grade on the next exam." You could also say, "If you follow my suggestions, you will do well on the next exam."
correct /vs./ score, grade, mark | WordReference Forums
2017年7月21日 · Mark/score/grade: to read a piece of written work and put a number or letter on it to show how good it is. Hello, I have read the previous threads about bold written words. But I …
final mark vs final grade vs graduation marks - WordReference …
2014年12月16日 · If you take students' manners, daily activities, daily tests, daily activities, and the final exam into account in a course or at school, is it okay to use either "mark" or "grade",or …
voto: 110/110 | WordReference Forums
2006年12月1日 · "Mark" and "Grade" are OK, but if it is on your CV, and it is numeric, I would vote for "Score of 110/110". In AE a "grade" is usually A-F (there are exceptions). The same may …
Mark / Grade - WordReference Forums
2006年5月12日 · According to my experience, MARK and GRADE can be considered grammatically as synonyms and both are frequently used in American and British English, but …
point mark grade score - WordReference Forums
2015年4月20日 · For example, a grade B may represent a percentage of correct answers that is somewhere between 78% and 87%. The teacher gave me a good score for my homework. …
Grade / score or others - WordReference Forums
2008年12月19日 · Hola a todos, estoy traduciendo algo relacionado a un concurso y no sé si utilizar el término de Grade, Score u otros... Ej. de contexto... -Te daré un cinco. -Entonces es …