Grael 4K EEG Amplifier - Compumedics Neuroscan
Four new amplifiers specifically designed to fit your needs! The Grael 4K EEG Amplifier is the most advanced amplifier of them, especially suited for running EEG and evoked potentials, for both clinical and research applications.
Grael 4K-EEG - Compumedics
An even more powerful evolution of the Grael EEG amplifier built for EEG studies for clinical and research applications including routine, LTM, ICU and Evoked potentials. A DC-coupled, digital amplifier system with a high input range and 24-bit resolution providing amplification and digitization of electroencephalographic physiologic signals ...
脑电放大器 - Grael 4K - Compumedics Neuroscan - PE / PSG
四款新的放大器专门为满足您的需求而设计!Grael 4K PSG:EEG放大器是其中最先进的放大器。 主要特点 放大器可用于广泛的应用,包括EEG、诱发电位(ERP)和睡眠研究 采样率高达4096 Hz 用户可选择的增益允许选择较低的噪音或较高的允许直流偏移(非常适合将脑电图与TDCS/TACS或TMS相结合) 结合多个设备进行更多通道或分组研究(超扫描)。
Grael includes 16 true differential inputs (8 on Grael EEG), which provide the cleanest signals possible by virtually eliminating noise/artifact. Oximeters traditionally have a resolution of 1%, requiring filtering to display a smooth signal.
Grae/Grael、Grael EEG多导睡眠测量仪澳大利亚康迪公 …
2024年9月23日 · 多导睡眠测量仪 Grael 于高低频信号较难采集,所以目前针对infraslow(0.01Hz或者更低)和ultrafast(400—1000Hz)的EEG信号以及如何完整记录、并存储儿童的高频信号方面的研究都比较少,但Grael的出现弥补了这个空缺,它的采样率和存储率,可以帮助您在各种研究工作中 ...
Grael便携脑电放大器 - fistar.com.cn
Grael放大器的突出特点是通过无线传输实现多人同步采集,使得多人交互模式下超扫描(Hyper-scanning)成为可能。 Grael是便携式45导DC放大器,具有输入范围和24位分辨率的直流耦合数字放大器系统,可以对来自头皮,脑皮层和深部电极的脑电生理信号进行放大和数字化处理。 在固定或移动系统中与用于EEG/ERP研究的CURRY软件匹配使用。 除了它的尺寸和重量外,Grael还具备一些良好性能。 •放大器提供45个导联(32个单极导联,10个双极导联,3个额外导联), …
脑电放大器 - Grael HD-EEG - Compumedics - 32通道
Grael HD-EEG 系统将最新的数字放大器技术与功能强大的软件组合在定制设计的购物车中,移动方便、灵活,可进行临床诊断性脑电研究和操作前和操作后评估。
EEG electrophysiology amplifier Grael 4K - MedicalExpo
The Grael 4K is the most advanced amplifier on the market today. Compumedics’ flagship, high-definition EEG, sleep and research amplifier specified for the most demanding cognitive research or epilepsy/sleep diagnostics. Experience the new and more powerful Grael.
Grael HD-EEG - Compumedics - 32-channel - MedicalExpo
For clinical diagnostic EEG studies and pre-op and post-op assessments, the Grael HD-EEG system blends the latest digital amplifier technology with powerful software packaged in a custom designed cart that is mobile, convenient and flexible.
A DC-coupled, digital amplifier system with a high input range and 24-bit resolution providing amplification and digitization of electroencephalographic physiologic signals from surface, cortical and depth electrodes.