Prescott National Forest - Granite Mountain Wilderness - US …
Granite Mountain Wilderness is the most popular of all the wildernesses due to its proximity to Prescott (only 20 minutes by paved road) and the unique experience it offers for hiking among huge granite boulders, rock formations, and the outstanding view of the surrounding area.
Prescott National Forest - Granite Mountain Trail #261 - US Forest …
Granite Mountain Trail #261 also provides a day trip from the Granite Basin Recreation Area up to Blair Pass and into the heart of Granite Mountain Wilderness. Despite its proximity to the city of Prescott, this area is a sanctuary for a diversity of wildlife.
Prescott National Forest - Granite Basin Recreation Area
Nestled among pines and boulders of Prescott's iconic Granite Mountain, Granite Basin Recreation Area offers a variety of recreational opportunities year-round including: hiking, backpacking, horse riding, non-motorized boating, rock climbing, fishing, camping, and picnicking.
Prescott National Forest - Little Granite Mountain Trail #37
Trail Description: Little Granite Trail #37 passes through open chaparral as it winds around the west flank of Little Granite Mountain. Outcrops of granite bedrock have weathered away into fantastic shapes that loom over the trail.
Prescott National Forest - Metate Trailhead - US Forest Service
Provides access to trails in the Granite Mountain Wilderness, as well as trails in the Granite Basin Recreation Area. Granite Basin Recreation Area Brochure (1.54 MB) View photos on Flickr
Prescott National Forest - North Granite Trail #671 - US Forest …
North Granite Trail #671 is an internal trail that can be accessed via Trail #622 or Trail #308. It is several miles to Trail #671 from either access point. To reach the trailhead for TR 622, travel north on Williamson Valley Road for 12.5 miles past its intersection with …
Prescott National Forest - Bradshaw Ranger District - US Forest …
Granite Mountain Wilderness, the forest's only "urban" wilderness, is located just a few short miles from Prescott. Other scenic attractions include Thumb Butte, Lynx Lake and the Thumb Butte Loop, as well as drives to Palace Station and Crown King.
Prescott National Forest - Baby Granite Loop - US Forest Service
The loop traverses a sculpted landscape of igneous granite that has been eroded into the striking formations typical of the Prescott area. From Williamson Valley Trailhead, Tin Trough Springs Trail #308 passes through sloping grassland and begins a …
Prescott National Forest - Balancing Rock Trail #349 - US Forest …
A rolling trail in the Granite Basin Recreation Area that connects with several others for longer rides. This trail begins at the Cayuse Equestrian Trailhead, where there is ample parking, hitching posts, water for horses and other amenities.
Prescott National Forest - Williamson Valley Trailhead - US Forest …
The Williamson Valley Trailhead accesses the east side of Granite Mountain. It has plentiful parking and room for trailers to park and turn-around. View photos on Flickr