GRAS 12AN 4-Channel Power Module | GRAS Sound and Vibration
The GRAS 12AN 4-Channel Power Module is a four-channel power module with 7-pin LEMO 1 B connectors for externally polarized measurement microphone sets. The inputs are AC-coupled directly to the outputs for a flat frequency response down to 0.05 Hz.
Power modules | GRAS Sound and Vibration
The GRAS 12AK is a single-channel power module with a 7-pin LEMO 1B connector for power and polarization of an externally polarized microphone set. It features instantaneous and latched overload indication, adjustable gain settings, A-weighting, and Lin and HP filters.
GRAS 12AN 4 通道电源模块_上海日意电子科技 - riyipower.com
12AN 电源模块通常用于实验室和现场的声学测量。 如果您正在寻找具有成本效益的解决方案或直接耦合(无滤波器)到输出的多通道电源模块,那么 12AN 电源模块是一个合乎逻辑的选择。
The G.R.A.S. Power Module Type 12AN (Fig. 1) is a portable, four-channel power supply for use with microphone preamplifiers and condenser microphones. It provides:
Power modules with traditional power supply (LEMO) | GRAS …
The GRAS 12AK is a single-channel power module with a 7-pin LEMO 1B connector for power and polarization of an externally polarized microphone set. It features instantaneous and latched overload indication, adjustable gain settings, A-weighting, and Lin and HP filters.
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GRAS 12AN - akron.be
The 12AN Power Module is for general use in acoustic measurements both in the laboratory and in the field. If you are looking for a cost-effective solution or a multi-channel power module with a direct coupling (no filters) to the output, the 12AN Power Module is a logical choice.
丹麦GRAS12AN四通道电源模块技术规格指南-资料下载-上海兴拓 …
12AN 电源模块通常用于实验室和现场的声学测量。 如果您正在寻找具有成本效益的解决方案或与输出直接耦合(无滤波器)的多通道电源模块,那么 12AN 电源模块是一个合理的选择。
GRAS 12AN 4-Channel Power Module - GOmeasure
The 12AN Power Module has four channels for multi-channel measurements and calibration setups requiring more than one channel. You can operate the 12AN Power Module on batteries or an external DC power supply.
GRAS 12AX 4 通道 CCP 电源模块 - riyipower.com
GRAS 12AX 是一个恒流电源模块,用于为 4 个 CCP 前置放大器/麦克风组供电。 它针对集成到生产环境进行了优化。 阳极氧化外壳坚固耐用,可提供良好的防尘、防潮保护。 除了电源开关,它没有外部用户控制。 这样就避免了增益设置的意外改变。 由于 12AX 是一个 4 通道单元,它有 8 个 BNC 连接器,4 个用于麦克风输入,4 个用于输出到分析仪。 所有连接器都安装在后面板上。 它在 +28 VDC 合规电压水平下提供 5 mA 的恒定电流。 通过跳线可以为每个通道单独选择增 …
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