CMV: There is nothing uninclusive or problematic about the
2022年1月21日 · For example, the Green M&M was introduced as the first female M&M under the idea that "sex sells." The only reason a female M&M was introduced was to have a hot one. And since M&Ms don't actually have genders, the Green M&M also needs to have go-go boots, long lashes and puckered lips to let everyone know this is a woman.
MnM: Grab Your Tights and Roll for Initiative - Reddit
For all things Mutants and Masterminds, the superhero pen and paper RPG. Share your questions, campaigns, character builds and all other content related to the game!
The green m&m : r/Shadman - Reddit
2020年1月29日 · 522 votes, 30 comments. 262K subscribers in the Shadman community. Welcome to Shadman: The unofficial Shadman sub
I just learned about the Green M&M lore : r/BrandNewSentence
2022年1月23日 · Here is a link to the original Forbes article about Tucker Carlson being upset that the Green and Brown M&M aren't sexy enough for him.
Genuine question. The green M&M is trans???? - Reddit
2022年2月15日 · I dunno what the designs are in Spain, but in the US the Green M&M was a guy when it was first shown. In a later redesign the green M&M was changed to be a woman. So if you assume all the M&M's are the same character in the same continuity then yes the green M&M is a beautiful trans woman.
What's the green m&m controversy? - Reddit
2022年1月27日 · A lot of people are saying conservatives are upset because they made the green M&M less sexy, which I’m sure is true, but I’d wager they’re also upset they made her intelligent, which contradicts what the conservatives believe.
TIL that the "seductive nature" of the Green M&M is a ... - Reddit
The rumor that these green candies are an aphrodisiac apparently started or first gained prominence in the 1970s, when students reportedly picked the green ones out of packages to feed to the objects of their desires. (At that time, an average of 10% of plain M&Ms and 20% of peanut M&Ms were green.) Why the green M&Ms were attributed with this power is unknown: …
Where can I discuss the character traits of the M&Ms characters?
Anyone who writes is a writer. The people who write these greetings are writers. Reply reply More replies MichaelJordansToupee • Reply reply FrothySolutions • Reply reply more replyMore repliesMore repliesMore repliesMore replies CyclonicTaurus • This probably gonna get removed but Mike's mic (yt channel, quality content) made a fucking video about the green MnM and …
Did you know? The Green M&M is canonically a trans girl (and
Colbert did a bit on M&Ms and he pointed out that all the female M&Ms are trans! All the M&Ms were AMAB, but Brown, Green, and Purple have all transitioned. Brown and Green are also in a relationship together!
Green M&M? Bambi for PS2? Why is everyone posting a variation …
2018年2月17日 · Perhaps inspired by Ms. Green’s appearance on Valentine’s Day M&M packaging, posters are memeing her with fanart and new jokes. The meme version of the character is much richer and more interesting than the official version. There is just an incredible amount of content in the Green M&M x Bambi for PlayStation fan canon.