some greenland flag redesigns, what's your opinion on them?
i left the counterchange on because it kind of symbolizes the present day greenland flag symbolism/changes (#2) white circled star on a blue background with red filling the gaps in the circle from the circled star (red means the sun and ocean and white means the glaciers, ice cap, icebergs and pack ice, both like on the normal flag, but the ...
Did you know that the flag of Greenland is actually a ... - Reddit
A while ago I created this alternate flag for Greenland, for a possible authoritarian-fascist aligned government. Lore: Black and White represent the country's location on the North Pole, as the day/night cycle is dominated by either 21 hours of light during the Summer and 21 hours of darkness during the Winter.
5 reasons why Greenland and Antarctica's flags are the best
Design and art obviously aren't mutually exclusive, music is generally considered an "artform" and isn't even visual ala painting (arguably the archetypal artform), while design, especially in this manner, actually is.
Greenland flag redesign (Nordic style) : r/vexillology - Reddit
Edit: Also, Greenland literally almost picked a nordic cross flag, it lost by a pretty low margin, so it's still incredibly wrong to call this insensitive. The Greenlanders call both flags by the same name in Greenlandic, christ sake.
Thue Christiansen, the designer of the current flag of Greenland, in ...
In 1985 it was reported that Greenland's flag had exactly the same motif as the flag of the Danish rowing club HEI Rosport, which was founded before Greenland's flag was chosen. It is not clear whether this is a case of plagiarism or just a coincidence, but the rowing club gave Greenland permission to use their flag.[7]
*7* reasons why Greenland and Antarctica's flags are the best
Also, Greenland is only off-centre from North if you arbitrarily put the centre of the map through Greenwich. If you travel in a straight north from any point, you get to the North Pole. That's just how it works. The Greenlandic flag was designed much earlier than the South Pole flag and none of these were considered in the design.
Why do most of the Scandinavian/Nordic Flags have a very
2023年6月1日 · The Greenlandic flag was a bit of a controversy. It took several decades for Greenland to design their flag and for most of the time it seemed like it would get a nordic cross, but when the local parlament had their final vote, the current one won. It was a huge scandale at the time, because many had wanted a nordic cross.
Flag Fusion - Hungary | Albania | Greenland. Fusing Coats of
2021年8月3日 · Greenland's redesigned flag looks fucking awful. Colours aren't nice, and the lack of the split circle removes that cool look of a sunset. I don't see the point of keeping the two-colour spilt element if there's no circles.
Redesign of Greenland's Flag Preserving Cool Symbol
2023年1月1日 · It's a deliberate act of distancing from the nordic cross symbolism and tradition while simultaniously preserving the colours and the asymmetrical nature of the danish flag. It's a very fitting flag for a country that is struggling to find its own way into the future, between dependence from Denmark and the attempt to deal the colonial past.
I redesigned Greenland's flag : r/flags - Reddit
2022年11月9日 · 30K subscribers in the flags community. r/flags is a subreddit dedicated to flags, whether it be flags that are of countries, organizations, your own…