杭州小伙用 Griefbot「复活」祖父,目前已删除:不想过度依赖 AI
2023年6月5日 · 现在,Griefbot 来了。 这是一个已经有若干年历史的 AI 模型,它可以通过学习我们留有的已故亲人的各种资料来模仿人类。 但就在去年,生成式 AI 突然爆发式发展,Griefbot 的性能一下子被推到了另一个高度。 过去的 Griefbot 需要大量的数据。 而如今,像 Yu Jialin 一样的工程师,可以将留存的资料输入这个模型,然后就可以精确地再现他们的外貌、说话方式,以及思维方式。 国外的研究人员表示,当今的技术能让 AI 不需要太多样本就可以重塑一个人的性格 …
Talk with your dead loved ones -- through a chatbot - CNET
2021年12月17日 · Surviving loved ones interact with the customized voice avatar via smart speaker, mobile or desktop app, and it responds, through Alexa-like voice recognition technology, with prerecorded stories,...
The man who turned his dead father into a chatbot - BBC News
2024年5月15日 · James' father John passed away in 2017, but not before James had turned what he'd recorded into an AI-powered chatbot that could answer questions about his dad's life - in his father's voice.
Griefbots. A New Way of Communicating With The Dead?
2022年3月16日 · One of the most recent technological developments is the “griefbot”. Based on the digital footprint of the deceased, griefbots allow two-way communication between mourners and the digital version of the dead through a conversational interface or chat.
The Rise of the Griefbot. Exploring the Intersection of AI and… | by ...
2023年6月12日 · While grief bots can provide potential benefits for the bereaved, they also raise ethical concerns. There is a risk of data and deep fake fraud and obtaining consent from the dead and their...
Can an AI version of the dead help with grief? | AP News
2024年6月4日 · Several companies have emerged in the last few years to develop grief-related technology, where users can interact with an AI version of the deceased. Among them is Eternos, which uses an in-house model as well as external large language models developed by major tech companies like Meta and OpenAI.
The rise of 'grief tech': AI is being used to bring the ... - Euronews
2023年3月12日 · AI-powered technology is being used to develop chatbot avatars of people's deceased relatives, preserving their memories and helping with grief. In 2016, James Vlahos discovered that his father...
GitHub - bastianleicht/GriefBotDiscord: GirefBotDiscord is a fully ...
GriefBotDiscord is a fully featured Griefing Bot with some unique Features. GriefBotDiscord is a Project I'm currently maintaining in my freetime. I originally made it for a Friend and now it is an Open Source Project. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
AI Chatbots that Replicate the Dead and Provide Grief Support
2023年11月24日 · We now have the capability to recreate our deceased with artificial intelligence (AI). Generative AI can recreate the digital likeness and speech of a person and for the first time in humanity, our...
Rise of the AI Griefbot - Medium
2023年11月29日 · Grief tech is changing the way we communicate with our deceased loved ones and how we cope with their passing. Our digital footprint, such as texts, photos, videos, emails, and social media...