School Me on Gretsch Guitars - The Gear Page
2022年8月3日 · The pro series are amazing guitars. A local shop is a Gretsch dealer and they always have a big selection. I have owned a couple. Favorite is a Black Phoenix (Setzer …
Gretsch guitars - The Gear Page
2024年11月28日 · I have a Gretsch G6129 Player's Edition Duo Jet, and I really love it. I think the Player's Editions are much more practical if you don't mind a lack of historical accuracy. I too …
New to Gretsch, Help Me Pick - The Gear Page
2024年3月7日 · I started picking up Gretsch guitars 25 years ago. I bought a players grade 1966 Tennessean - changed tuners/ intermediate wear and binding rot - for about 25% under …
Gretsch v. Gibson - The Gear Page
2012年1月4日 · The Gretsch is a great guitar, but leaves alot to be desired for versatility and upper fret access compared to my Les Pauls. A Gibson ES335 or ES339 is on my list of …
I dont like Gretsch guitars, but I do like the sound, what are my ...
2021年11月29日 · Alder and ash guitars, don't sound like a Gretsch, no matter what pickups you use. I actually liked my G3161, as much as my Pro line Gretsch. It was a thin hollow body, with …
Explain the Gretsch tone- what is so unique? | The Gear Page
2014年7月19日 · I've played a few vintage Gretschs and they are all very similar. Gretsch tone is just primal and refined at the same time. Setzer and Heath are the raw/refined guys but Chet …
Gretsch, Which One For Jazz, Clean? - The Gear Page
2013年11月13日 · Gretsch guitars are few and far between in my area. That's why I rely on forum members input. I'm looking for a Gretsch (not an Electromatic) that will be used strictly for Jazz …
Gretsch neck size? - The Gear Page
2017年2月22日 · The other guitars I play a lot are a NoCaster and a historic LP JR.. which both have really large necks.. Once I got used to switching, and once I considered the neck part of …
Alternatives to Gretsch hollowbodies? - The Gear Page
2018年8月24日 · I've chased getting that Gretsch sound for years. It started with the hype of a Taylor T5 ( in the fourth position ) Kinda there, but not quite. Gretsch's electromatics are a …
Gretsch 6118 or 6120 - I need help! | Telecaster Guitar Forum
2009年7月9日 · TV Jones makes amazing pups and you want to try to get a set of his pups in your gretsch. I've heard good things about powertrons and dynas but don't have enough …