Subaru Impreza WRX STI - Wikipedia
One way to identify the version is through the VIN plate on the chassis. Sedan and Coupé STi model codes are named GC8, (USDM coupés have a separate chassis code of "GM") and Station Wagons are named GF8, followed by a letter from A to G. A GC chassis version of the RS was released for the USDM in 2001.
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Used OEM Type-RA GC8 STi Front Lower Aluminum JDM Control... Item ID 6950 Model (s) Impreza, WRX, STi GC8 92-01
1998 Subaru Impreza WRX Type R STi V.4 - SODO MOTO
1997/98 Subaru Impreza WRX Type R STi Version 4 GC8-063310 (GC8E2DD) ~103k miles (166,448 kilometers). Original books and records. Runs and drives great. Interior is in very nice condition however steering wheel worn. Exterior features a fiberglass front bumper. Original paint looks good – one rust bubble on left-rear fender. undercarriage clean.
天价情怀车——斯巴鲁翼豹22B STi Version - 知乎
22B STi所采用的底盘是来自第五代翼豹WRX Type-R STI V-limited,不过更多的车迷将这款底盘型号称之为GC8。 由于是采用了GC8的底盘开发而来所以在外型上,跟 藤原文太 所驾驶的双门Coupe版本的翼豹WRX STI在外型上有许多相似之处,以至于有不少的粉丝会对这两辆车子 ...
殿堂级神车STI GC8!我能开上它,你能看到它,皆是缘份!
2021年1月24日 · 而今天我们拍摄的这辆SUBARU IMPREZA STI GC8 TPYE R V-limted车型虽然它并不是22B,但是它是为了纪念当年斯巴鲁在WRC赛场上获得年度冠军所特地生产的限量1000台纪念款车型。
快到拓海怀疑人生?斯巴鲁STI的前世今生(上) - 知乎
许多漫迷认为文太驾驶的正是这辆22B STI。 但其实不然,文太驾驶的实则是第五代的STi,也就是 GC8V,发布于1998年9月,与前四代的主要差别是发动机加入了强化水道设计,代号改为EJ207。
JDM 99-02 SUBARU IMPREZA WRX Engine GC8 STI VERSION V TYPE-RA LIMITED … Imported &Tested From Japan We Offer Free Local Delivery and Ship Nationwide 2535366855
1998–1999 Subaru Impreza WRX STi version V (GC8F4ED)
OEM Specifications 1998–1999 Subaru Impreza WRX STi version V Manual Specification specific to Subarus with Applied Model GC8F4ED
硬皮鲨—斯巴鲁翼豹GC系列 - 易车
2020年12月28日 · 20年前斯巴鲁品牌推出了一款高性能民用拉力版本的运动轿车,它的名字叫翼豹WRX STI GC8,时隔20年后的今天,它依然是众多性能脑残粉儿追捧的对象。
GC8 STI project, what do you think? - IW STi Forum
2007年6月2日 · GC8 fitment Tein “HT” dampers. Built from HT inverted blanks to my specs I sent them for proper valving for road racing shaft speeds I wanted. MOST hardware on exterior is swapped out for metric stainless. ALL of non-stainless …
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