CESM2.1.1 Grid Resolution Definitions - University Corporation for ...
2019年6月9日 · Supported out of the box grid configurations are given via alias specification in the file config_grids.xml. Each grid alias can also be associated with the following optional attributes. Using the alias and the optional compset and not_compset attributes a grid longname is created.
CESM2.2.0 Grid Resolution Definitions - University Corporation for ...
2020年9月28日 · Supported out of the box grid configurations are given via alias specification in the file config_grids.xml. Each grid alias can also be associated with the following optional …
Getting started — CESM Coupled Data Assimilation 0.0.1 …
Each grid includes at least two parts, the atmospheric/land grid and the ocean/sea ice grid to which it is coupled. These instructions use a low-resolution finite volume grid for the atmosphere, fv0.9x1.25 and couple it to a ~1° ocean/sea ice grid, gx1v7 .
PlioMIP2 (CMIP6/PMIP4) Simulations with CESM2 and …
The CESM PlioMIP2 project, completed as part of CMIP6 and PMIP4 by Bette Otto-Bliesner, Ran Feng, Esther Brady and Nan Rosenbloom, is a set of published simulations to understand Pliocene climate variability, similarities and dissimilarities with pre-Industrial, and model skills in simulating this period (3.2Ma).
4. Model grids — CIME master documentation - GitHub Pages
The first step is to generate SCRIP grid files for the atmosphere, land, ocean, land-ice, river and wave component grids that will comprise your model grid. If you are introducing just one new grid, you can leverage SCRIP grid files that are already in place for the other components.
4. Atmospheric configurations (compsets) — camdoc …
CONUS Grid. The CONUS variable resolution grid is a 1 degree horizontal resolution grid with a regional refinement of 1/8 degree resolution over the continential United States. ARCTIC Grids. Two variable resolution grids are available for the Artic region.
Adding a new user-defined grid (EXPERTS ONLY)
CESM1.1 provides completely new support for you to add your own specific component grid combinations. To achieve this, CESM1.1 has a new top level directory $CCSMROOT/mapping/. A brief list of the steps needed to add a new component grid to the model system follows.
No batch system found in "none", when porting CESM2.2
2021年9月29日 · This compset and grid combination is not scientifically supported, however it is used in 5 tests. could anyone help with the "ERROR"? Thanks a lot! It appears that you have BATCH_SYSTEM=none and then you are defining a slurm batch system.
Dataset: GEOS5 data
2024年9月30日 · The gridded output files from version 5 of the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System (GEOS-5 DAS) interpolated to various CESM model grids.
Running T42_T42 Grid Resolution on Derecho | DiscussCESM Forums
2024年6月7日 · While I can create the case and successfully build it with the f19_f19_mg17 grid resolution (still not possible for f25_f25_mg17 or T42_T42), it is still not able to be run. The reference case uses <entry id="RUN_REFCASE" value="b.e20.BHIST.f09_g17.20thC.297_01_v2"> which has a f09_f09_mg17 resolution.
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