GitHub - ANYbotics/grid_map: Universal grid map library for …
This is a C++ library with ROS interface to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers. It is designed for mobile robotic mapping to store data such as elevation, variance, color, friction coefficient, foothold quality, surface normal, traversability etc.
Grid Studies: Max - monome/docs
The rapid and immediate nature of graphical programming lends itself well to developing for grids, making it the longtime tool of choice for monome grid-based software. This tutorial will show the basics of interfacing with the grid including how a simple, yet immediate sequencer platform can be made with a small amount of code. sections ...
GitHub - monome/monome-max-package
The [monome-device] bpatcher connects monome grid (s) and arc (s) to Max. [monome-device] is designed as Paste Replace substitute for the historical [serialosc] bpatcher. It supports all of the expected commands, but with protections against overloading the …
Grid as Max MSP - Bitwig Forum - KVR Audio
2014年4月18日 · The original discussion is how the Grid differs from MaxMSP which is now integrated into the full version of Live. Max is even more powerful than Reaktor and I don't think the DAW integration is that great in Live, last time I tried it (Live 10?) it still felt like you were running two separate apps.
grid_map(一):grid_map学习_grid map-CSDN博客
它是一个具有ROS接口的 C++库,用于管理具有多个数据层multiple data layers的二维网格地图two-dimensional grid maps。 它专为移动机器人测绘而设计,用于存储高程elevation、方差variance、颜色color、摩擦系数friction coefficient、立足点质量foothold quality、表面法线surface normal、可穿越性traversability等数据。 它用于以机器人为中心的高程测绘软件包中,该软件包专为崎岖地形导航rough terrain navigation而设计。
grid map学习记录 - 知乎
在rviz的可视化结果中,画出的坐标轴就是map坐标系,下面的格子为grid map。 可以看出,grid map的中心为map坐标系,和论文中的截图一致。 这里可以通过调用左图中的方法来访问grid map的属性。 2.2 设置grid map的中心位置 这里将设置地图属性的方法更改:
Building a grid-based sample sequencer in Max/MSP - YouTube
So here it is, a tutorial on building a grid-based sample sequencer in Max/MSP with various step randomisation features. I had presented a workshop on Max/MSP at INO CON 2020, a virtual music...
路径规划 (一) —— 环境描述 (Grid Map & Feature ... - CSDN博客
2020年10月25日 · grid map就是比较直观,把所有障碍物表示成黑色的 pixel,可通行区域就是白色 但在比赛中是会有一些加成区域和惩罚区域 (灰色)
机器人学习--栅格地图(occupancy grid map)构建(部分代码解 …
2021年10月9日 · 为了解决这一问题,我们引入 占据栅格地图 (Occupancy Grid Map)的概念。 我们将地图栅格化,对于每一个栅格的状态要么占用,要么空闲,要么未知(即初始化状态)。
Download collection of Max for Live devices for monome
2015年10月15日 · Based on sum, terms contains eight Max for Live devices which together create a complete performance system for the monome grid within Live. A cyclic poly-rhythm music box, a step sequencer and a powerful FM synth (which can be used by all Max for Live users) are just a few of the essentials inside.
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