MCPTT功能架构和信息流 - 知乎
MCPTT(Mission Critical Push To Talk)服务支持多个用户之间的通信(比如对讲机),每个用户都可以通过仲裁方式获得访问权限。 MCPTT服务还支持两个用户之间的私人通话。 MCPTT架构利用公共功能架构来支持任务关…
Mission Critical Services in 3GPP
3GPP entered the application domain by standardizing Mission Critical Push to Talk (MCPTT) in Rel-13, completed in 2016. To provide organizational support and focus a new working group - SA6 - was established in order to complete the new application related work in concert with other 3GPP working groups in less than one and a half years - by ...
[5G專網應用_04] MCPTT關鍵任務通信 - MESHLINK
2023年7月26日 · 任何的5G專網的環境都可以導入MCPTT等關鍵任務通訊的應用。 舉例5G專網佈建的智慧工廠中,高壓、高熱、電力警報、保安系統都可以配置關鍵任務的通訊。
MCPTT到底是什么意思 的 - 知乎
MCPTT、B-TrunC:宽带数字集群标准的王者之争! - 知乎专栏
2024年4月13日 · MCPTT是3GPP为公共安全和专业通信领域制定的一系列标准,MCPTT标准基于 LTE 网络,支持全 IP通信,提供MC-Voice、MC-Video和MC-Data服务,并且正在向 5G 演进,以满足更高带宽、更低时延和更多连接的需求。
What is Mission Critical Push To Talk? Mission-critical push-to-talk (MCPTT) is an LTE feature introduced in 2016 3GPP Release 13 The goal was to include LTE features that allow push-to-talk functionality to meet the requirements of mission-critical voice communication: high availability/reliability low latency support for individual or group calls
MCPTT 与BTC_b-trunc-CSDN博客
2024年12月5日 · MCPTT是3GPP为公共安全和专业通信领域制定的一系列标准,MCPTT标准基于LTE网络,支持全IP通信,提供MC-Voice、MC-Video和MC-Data服务,并且正在向5G演进,以满足更高带宽、更低时延和更多连接的需求。
2020年10月17日 · 3GPP已经定义了MCPTT/MCData/MCVideo服务生态系统(统称为MCS或MCX),行业和最终用户一直在呼吁使用标准化一致性测试工具的明确认证计划。 3GPP的RAN工作组5负责用户设备 无线电 接口的一致性测试规范,定义了评估任务关键相关功能的测试用例。
Understanding MCPTT Performance Via The Standard 4 KPIs
This article will explain how to measure the performance of Mission Critical Push To Talk (MCPTT) and how the standards based definitions for the four KPI metrics (Key Performance Indicators) describe this performance.
Mission Critical PTT, or MCPTT, is the standard that defines the requirements for push-to-talk over LTE to mirror the mission-critical voice communication services provided by land mobile radio systems.