GRID 2 Healing Resto Druid - Warmane
2019年6月30日 · Good call on thinking to track PW:S. Grid2 can definitely be rather unintuitive to set up. - Do /grid2 -> Click 'status' -> Click 'buff'. Make sure you're actually clicking the 'buff' …
Grid2 r720 for 3.3.5 - Warmane
2016年6月27日 · Hey I'm using your grid2 setup, works great especially with all the buff/debuff indicators. However, I have 1 issue and it's been bothering me a lot. Whenever I'm at the …
Help with my Grid2 - Warmane
2022年3月4日 · Hey all, I was hoping to get some help with a weird issue I've been having with my Grid2 addon. I just upgraded my computer and ported over all my addons from my old one, …
Grid2 - Warmane
2017年10月20日 · Wrath, Lorderaon server, and "Grid2_r720_for_3.3.5a The Incomin Heal indicator requires a working CombatLog. Since it's bugged in the TBC and WotLK clients, you …
WotLK Multibar for Grid2 - Warmane
2021年4月3日 · I was setting up my Grid2 for disc healing for raiding. I wanted to set up a multibar that would show hp as well as PW:Shield absorb amount.
Grid2 r720 for 3.3.5 - Page 2 - Warmane
2018年2月28日 · did you find a way to import i still can't import the profile, i copy-paste the code then click accept but nothing happpens after no new profile, nothing
WotLK [Guide] Restoration Shaman PvE - Page 8 - Warmane
2021年5月4日 · - Added Grid2 and Weak Auras addons as well as my own scripts for them. April 24, 2021 . kobra11. View ...
Grid2 r720 for 3.3.5 - Warmane
2016年6月27日 · Hey I'm using your grid2 setup, works great especially with all the buff/debuff indicators. However, I have 1 issue and it's been bothering me a lot. Whenever I'm at the …
Grid not working (healing) - Warmane
2018年11月1日 · ive seen other people recommend Grid2-r720 , so thats what im using but it wont work? could someone possibly link the specific download page for a grid \ clique combo …
Grid2 not showing bug. - Warmane
2018年6月4日 · Hello. for the last couple of weeks i've experienced some kind of bug with the Grid2 addon. basically the grid for the raid does not show, and when i go to "interface --> …