GRIF Net: Gated Region of Interest Fusion Network for Robust …
2020年10月24日 · In this paper, we propose a low-level sensor fusion 3D object detector that combines two Region of Interest (RoI) from radar and camera feature maps by a Gated RoI Fusion (GRIF) to perform robust vehicle detection.
快速了解一个网络:GRIF Net, Gated Region of Interest Fusion …
2025年1月29日 · 不像常规的cancatenation或者element-wise相加/求平均的融合方式,作者使用了gated region of interest fusion (GRIF)的方法. GRIF将radar和image对应roi区域的features concate起来,通过卷积生成2个权重。 基于这2个权重对相关roi区域的radar features和image features进行加权求和来进行融合。 思想类似于SeNet中的attention思路,让网络自适应的学会调整不同roi区域中两个不同features的权重。 因为单帧radar点云比较稀疏。 作者通过积累6帧、 …
GRIF Net: Gated Region of Interest Fusion Network for
2020年10月25日 · In this paper, we propose a low-level sensor fusion 3D object detector that combines two Region of Interest (RoI) from radar and camera feature maps by a Gated RoI Fusion (GRIF) to perform...
from radar and camera feature maps by a Gated RoI Fusion (GRIF) to perform robust vehicle detection. To take advantage of sensors and utilize a sparse radar point cloud, we design a GRIF that employs the explicit gating mechanism to adaptively select the approp riate data when one of the sensors is abnormal.
GRIF Net: Gated Region of Interest Fusion Network for
In this paper, we propose a low-level sensor fusion 3D object detector that combines two Region of Interest (RoI) from radar and camera feature maps by a Gated RoI Fusion (GRIF) to perform robust vehicle detection.
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The overall architecture of proposed GRIF Net. 3D anchors and 3D ...
GRIF adaptively combines RoI features to robustly predict the class probability and 3D box.
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Exploring light transitions through defective glass, as the colors fail to converge at one focus through the lens, the spectrum splits, causing beautiful emissions of hues & tones. The glass …
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