Mecha Invasion - Giant Legion Volcanicus Dinobot combiner
2024年2月27日 · They rushed Grimlock to show the compatibility feature, but Volcanicus will be the 2nd combiner they release if plans don't change. That is what the (current) first image screenshot is about. The text below is about Devastator but there are a couple of lines about future releases as well just before the line about combiner height.
De-Fence DF-01 Muscle Rex (Fall of Cybertron Legends Grimlock)
2024年10月25日 · De-Fence DF-01 Muscle Rex (Legends scale FOC Grimlock). Visual presentation. AOE Target 2-pack Grimlock. Fireblast Grimlock. Platinum Edition Grimlock. TAV30 Battle Grimlock. Platinum Edition RID 2015 Grimlock. Planet-X PX-06D Peklenc (SG FOC Grimlock). TFcon D.C 2019 exclusive Planet-X PX-06 Vulcun (G2 FOC Grimlock).
De-Fence DF-01 Muscle Rex (Fall of Cybertron Legends Grimlock)
2024年10月25日 · That's one sleek looking legend. The proportion looks off is due to certain parts not bulky enough and lack of curves, Planet X added those things to their Grimlock, so it's pretty faithful to the OG design. This one kinda remind me of the FOC Voyager of Hasbro, the body is leaning toward slim and fit, fewer curves, more edges.
Buzzworthy Bumblebee Studio Series 07 Grimlock - TFW2005
2023年7月30日 · SS-07 Grimlock was one of the more popular Studio Series Leader Class figures and his price had gone up a lot, so a re-issue was definitely warranted. If this figure ends up like the Jetwing Optimus Prime re-issue, better grab him now as he'll sell out relatively quickly without a restock (and prices going back up again).
De-Fence DF-01 Muscle Rex (Fall of Cybertron Legends Grimlock)
2024年10月25日 · Sina Visitor System 大家好啊,我们是新品牌 De-Fence。最近在空地上发现超酷炫的小恐龙,人形身高大约有14cm哦。据说其他的同伴正在响应老大的呼唤在赶来的路上,准备一起对付独眼科学怪人。我们会再探再报,各位喜欢我们小恐龙的迷友和大佬们麻烦关注和转发哦 …
Bingo Toys BT06 GRIMSHARP (G1 Grimlock) - TFW2005
2024年5月10日 · G1 Grimlock anime version. (I'm definitely aiming for this version, since yesterday I received the official Missing Link C-02 Convoy in the anime version!) GCE (G1 Marvel Grimlock) G2 blue Grimlock. G2 medium turquoise-blue Grimlock. G2 unreleased "t i g e r" G r i m l o c k, which has been implemented under Legacy Evoltution at the moment.
Healthy Grimlock vs Tarn? | TFW2005 - The 2005 Boards
2013年5月20日 · Grimlock vs Shockwave, again; Nearly a stalemate, because Shockwave stopped bothering Grimlock vs Scorponok; not clear, but if it went on, Scorponok would again gain the upper hand. Grimlock vs Tarn; once the drugs started wearing off, Grimlock lost all his edge, though to be honest he lacked the mind to put into the fight.
Legacy Evolution G2 Universe Grimlock - TFW2005
2023年7月30日 · The dino arms and claws are in teal plastic. Both the chest window and dino neck are finally left unpainted this time around. (SS86-06 Grimlock had the neck painted with a smoky chest window that was too dark. Shattered Glass Grimlock also had a clear orange chest window with the neck painted.) G2 Grimlock also has pinkish purple plastic.
Generations Comic Grimlock and Shockwave - TFW2005
2024年2月6日 · I absolutely hate how much I want that Shockwave. It looks so good, but the alt mode, even 5 years later, still sucks. I haven't collected any of the G1 Dinobots so I'm pretty tempted to get that Grimlock though.
Age Of The Primes Appreciation Thread | TFW2005 - The 2005 …
2024年10月7日 · Leader G2 Grimlock Leader The Fallen Primes Wave 2: July 2025 Deluxe Crasher PR Deluxe Alchemist Prime Deluxe Swindle Voyager RID Skybyte Voyager Rescue Bots Heatwave Leader Onyx Prime Primes wave 3: October 2025 Deluxe Micronus Deluxe Venom Deluxe Skydive Deluxe Fireflight Voyager Alpha Trion Voyager Flatline