GrlJ, a Dictyostelium GABAB-like receptor with roles in post ...
2007年5月14日 · Our data suggest that GrlJ acts at several stages of Dictyostelium development and that it is a negative regulator in Dictyostelium development. The seven-transmembrane spanning G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent a major group of cell-surface detectors and constitute 3.5 % of the genome in vertebrates [ 1 ].
Cellular localisation of GrlJ. (A) A GFP-tagged GrlJ fusion protein...
Plasmodiophora brassicae is an important biotrophic eukaryotic plant pathogen and a member of the rhizarian protists. This biotrophic pathogen causes clubroot in cruciferous plants via novel...
GrlJ overexpression in Dictyostelium. (A) grlJ 2/+ cells showed ...
... confirm that GrlJ controlled partial resistance to the effect of phenylthiourea on Dictyostelium cell behaviour, grlJ was expressed with a C-terminal GFP tag (GrlJ-GFP) in the null mutant (grlJ...
The alphabet G H I J K L - Educational video to learn the letters …
Video to help young learners discover the letters G H I J K L. They’ll have fun learning how they sound, how to write them, and words that start with these l...
Boys Day at Cedar Point - YouTube
2024年10月24日 · Join this channel to get access to perks: / @notyournormalg1 Cedar Point is so much fun. And, as the park's season comes to a close, it's time to just enjoy the sights and sounds of this great park...
GHJ Productions - YouTube
Official YouTube Channel of GHJ Productions including music, short films, and blogs.
Global Health Journal | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier
Global Health Journal (GHJ) is a quarterly publication in English. It publishes peer-reviewed research papers that emphasize transnational health issues, determinants, and solutions; involve disciplines within and beyond the health sciences; and promote interdisciplinary collaboration. Submissions … Oluchi I. Ndulue, ... John A. Naslund.
全球健康杂志(英文) Global Health Journal
期刊简介: 《全球健康杂志(英文)》 (Global Health Journal, GHJ)是国家广播电视总局批准出版的正式医学专业学术期刊(CN:10-1495/R; ISSN:2096-3947)。 由国家卫生健康委员会主管,人民卫生出版社有限公司主办并出版。 目前为季刊,由我国公共卫生领域权威专家李立明教授担任主编。 本刊已被Science Direct和Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)等国际数据库成功收录。 《全球健康杂志(英文)》云集世界权威专家资源和健康领域精粹,立足高视角、 …
淬透性是指钢淬火时,从表层起淬成 马氏体 层的深度,是取得良好综合性能的主要参数。 除Co外,几乎所有合金元素如 Mn、Mo、Cr、Ni、Si和C、N、B等都能提高钢的淬透性,其中 Mn、Mo、Cr、B的作用最强,其次是Ni、Si、Cu。 而强碳化物形成元素如 V、Ti、Nb等,只有溶于 奥氏体 中时才能增大钢的淬透性。 ②影响钢的回火过程。 由于合金元素在回火时能阻碍钢中各种原子的扩散,因而在同样温度下和 碳素钢 相比,一般均起到延迟马氏体的分解和碳化物的聚集长大 …
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