SAP PO 采购定价详解-CSDN博客
通常有 3 种价格:总价( Gross Price ), 包含任何折扣和附加费用。 净价( Net Price )不包含折扣,附加费用和税收价格。 有效价( Effective Price )净价减去现金折扣,加上交货成本,税金和杂费的价格。
Solved: PO gross amount vs net amout - SAP Community
2012年5月15日 · We have a problem like following concerning PO amount: Purchaser negotiated with vendor and confirmed final price including tax: 61,005. Tax: 17%. if net price= 52141.02 then gross amount is 61,004.99. if net price= 52141.03 then gross amount is 61,005.01. I have tried to change price unit to balance it, but failed.
SAP中物料采购PO和SA共存情况下的标准价格确定 - CSDN博客
2022年1月7日 · 通常有3种价格:总价(Gross Price), 包含任何折扣和附加费用。 净价(Net Price)不包含折扣,附加费用 和 税收 价格 。 有效价(Effective Price)净价减去现金折扣,加上交货成本,税金 和 杂费的 价格 。
1539796 - Purchase Order: Gross Price is Displayed Instead of …
There are two ways to look at gross and net price from a business perspective. - The Gross Price is the price with which you start the pricing procedure in purchasing. - The Net Price is the price used which includes all discounts and surcharges, and the VAT (Sales and Use Tax,..) if the tax is not fully deductable.
Solved: gross price in po - SAP Community
2012年7月31日 · I want that the price coming from the condition record should not be changed in PO line item conditions tab. I want to make the gross price field pb00 as in display mode so that whatever price is flowing from the condition record, cannot be changed at the PO level.
ABAP BAPI_PO_CREATE1 净价net_price 无效 - CSDN博客
2020年10月14日 · 本文介绍了在使用BAPI_PO_CREATE1创建SAP采购订单时遇到的价格不正确问题,以及解决方案。 当采购信息记录未维护净价时,系统会采用上一个采购订单的净价。 通过设置参数NO_PRICE_FROM_PO为X和POITEM-PO_PRICE为'2',可以避免从上一个订单复制价格,并直接导入净价。 同时,注意导入价格可能包含税,需要考虑税码的影响。 今天测试发现用BAPI_PO_CREATE1 创建采购订单,虽然能成功创建采购订单,但是行项目的净价总是和自己 …
3021989 - How to get Tax Amount, Net Amount and Gross Amount …
You have a business need to see the report or data source for purchase order which shows net value, gross value and tax amount for line items. SAP Business ByDesign. You can use the data source Purchase Order Items with Extended Tracking Details or Purchase Order Item Details to get the required fields in the purchase order reports.
Gross price is the final sales price per unit of an item, which means the gross price has tax included. Gross price is usually used for companies working in retail. SAP Business One lets you work with a net price system or with a gross price system.
2809282 - Purchase Order Item Gross Price equals to Net Price in …
Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. When a PO Item has a tax amount, the item's Gross Price is not updated with the tax and it is equal with the Net Price.
Solved: Gross Price in PO - SAP Community
2009年9月1日 · Using this you can find out various discounts and use in your formula to get gross price accordingly. (EKKO-KNUMV = KONV-KNUMV.) Using this pass discount condition in KONV Table (KONV-KSCHL). Hope it could help you out. Regds, Anil