This document describes general and specific procedures, methods and considerations to be used and observed when designing and installing permanent and temporary groundwater monitoring wells to be used for collection of groundwater samples.
A properly designed, installed and developed ground water monitoring well provides ground water samples that exhibit the physical and chemical properties of that portion of the aquifer screened by the well.
Graphic of the construction details of a groundwater monitoring well. This form should be used for guidance purposes when installing a groundwater monitoring well. Step-by-step procedures for the plugging and abandonment of a groundwater monitoring well. Characterization of the geology, sample depths, depth to groundwater, etc.
MONITORING WELL DESIGN AND INSTALLATION To collect representative ground water samples, it is necessary to construct monitoring wells to gain access to the subsurface. This chapter covers installation and construction of single-riser/limited interval wells, which are designed such that only one discrete zone is monitored
Groundwater monitoring wells are principally used for observing groundwater levels and flow conditions, obtaining samples for determining groundwater quality, and for evaluating hydraulic properties of water-bearing strata. Monitoring wells are sometimes referred to …
Design a well network to monitor water quality of recently recharged groundwater near the water table in areas of irrigated agriculture in the saturated parts of the High Plains aquifer of Colorado. Obtain permission from landowners to drill and install wells.
A typical as-built diagram for groundwater monitoring well construction is provided in Figure 2. New monitoring wells will be constructed to yield groundwater samples that represent the quality of groundwater within the geologic formation(s) monitored at …
Installing monitoring wells in soils (Version 1.0). National Soil Survey Center, Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA, Lincoln, NE. Cover Figure: Schematic diagram of a standard design for an installed water-table monitoring well.
Typical groundwater monitoring wells are used to enhance environmental protection at landfills. Waste Management has stringent standards, policies, and procedures in place to ensure that a high level of consistency