Grox - Warhammer 40k Wiki
The Grox is a large, fast and aggressive reptilian animal originating from the Solomon System. When that star system was absorbed into the Imperium, it was discovered the animal possessed many useful traits, such as the ability to survive in almost any planetary environment and the omnivorous ability to thrive on even the most indigestible food.
This is awkward but what are grox? : r/40kLore - Reddit
2021年5月20日 · The grox itself is a large, quadrepedal lizard that can eat anything. Basically a dinosaur with the eating habits of a goat and the meat of a cow, that is hyper adaptable for all environments. Also hyper aggressive, which is why they are most often lobotomized to keep them docile enough to be farmed.
[Excerpt|Against The Grain] The Grox Slab, 40k's equivalent of ... - Reddit
2020年12月23日 · An agri-combine magnate describes the utility of the humble beast that feeds the Imperium of Man, the grox, that supports the billions of Guardsmen and Navy crews conducting the Indomitus Crusade throughout the galaxy. This is from the short story Against The Grain by Nick Kyme, which was part of the Warhammer Crime anthology No Good Men ...
【水】消灭GROX之后的一个小问题 - 百度贴吧
刚刚又发现一个问题,有时候盟友会说有奇怪的飞船拒绝通话,也就是grox来了 (这个似乎只能通过盟友触发,自己的星球反而不行) 在消灭grox之后,这个事件仍然可以发生,但过去之后会发现那只是海盗(血量也只有海盗的水平)
(Question)what is raised on Agri worlds and what does the ... - Reddit
Still others would provide grox herds, grox being large and ill tempered lizards that are very tasty and have largely, though not entirely, replaced beef cattle. There are also hydroponic farms and farming communities that are well run - Prandium, a paradise world, was like this. Before the Tyranids consumed it - Prandium is Latin for 'lunch'.
grox - 百度百科
【同人作品】Grox同人作品基础 - 百度贴吧
自由之战Grox崛起的关键一战,这场战争由从集中营中逃出的Grox和Kaine发起,直接摧毁了人类的一切,从而让Grox获得了踏入银河系大世界的机会 新历史:战争中的精英这场战争中最具有领导力和战斗力的两个人分别是“Grox·Kaine-X”和“Grox·鲍勃尔-0101”这使他们 ...
《孢子》突破封锁线~用Grox的外表玩spore的方法_-游民星空 …
2008年12月23日 · 10.使用refine search,进一步精确搜索 (从已搜索出来的数值列表中继续进行搜索),不用管下面那个框框里的一堆数字,也不要点他们. 点一下红色箭头所指的按键继续进行,搜索数值:1024. 11.完成搜索1024之后,继续重复以上步骤 (安装任意的头部部件-搜索0-卖掉头部部件-搜索1024)直到只有一个数值留在那个框框里,只要记得有头的话数值一定是0,没有头的话一定是1024.搜索完成的时候应该只有一个数值剩下,一般只要0-1024-0-1024这样搜索3,4次就会有结果了.
我的世界:村民克星Grox的村民清除计划,这次Grox还能成功战 …
孢子——与Grox结盟的方法 - 百度文库
《孢子》是一款上帝模拟类游戏,在游戏中你将扮演造物者的身份, 数十亿年前,创世的一刻,从单细胞到高智慧生物,整个文明的演化史将 完全由你一首操控,游戏中融合了很多其他元素的精华,你也可以率兵去 其它星球征伐,体验征服的快感。 到GROX星球时,一定不能带上友军,也不能开自动射击。 只要不和 GROX同盟,哪怕关系是绿色的,它也会攻击你!