Grox - Warhammer 40k Wiki
The Grox is a large, fast and aggressive reptilian animal originating from the Solomon System. When that star system was absorbed into the Imperium, it was discovered the animal possessed many useful traits, such as the ability to survive in almost any planetary environment and the omnivorous ability to thrive on even the most indigestible food.
话说骑士这个职业是被遗忘了吗 - 百度贴吧
grox守护银心的过激的军事行为,可能就是黑化后的骑士的行为。 (也就是grox是,至少曾经是骑士) 另一种可能就是,玩家是有史以来第一个骑士,打败邪恶(grox),使银河系归于平静,所以骑士也可能是 与grox的职业完全对立的职业。
Grox - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum
The Grox is a large, fast and aggressive reptilian animal originating from the Solomon system. When the system was absorbed into the Imperium, it was discovered the animal possessed many useful traits, such as the ability to survive in almost any environment and to thrive on even the most indigestible food. Grox meat itself is also extremely ...
收集和总结到的一些关于 Grox 的资料 - 百度贴吧
Grox 帝国是 SPORE 银河系中势力范围最广的帝国(没有“之一”),按照 EA 官方的说法,一位玩家不吃不喝地攻击 Grox 帝国需要几十年不眠的努力才能见到结果。
This is awkward but what are grox? : r/40kLore - Reddit
2021年5月20日 · The Grox is a large, fast and aggressive reptilian animal originating from the Solomon system. When the system was absorbed into the Imperium , it was discovered the animal possessed many useful traits, such as the ability to survive in almost any environment and to thrive on even the most indigestible food.
最后一个GROX的领地!我终于成功啦! - 百度贴吧
GROX一共有 正正好好 2500个星球。 现在我已经不去银河中心了,全占领之后严重卡顿。 哦对,GROX永远不会扩张超过2500个星系(也不会低于2500,是正正好好2500个)。 但不是不去扩张,而是扩张到新的星系之后,选的是T1星球,我一降落进去,GROX领地自己就毁灭了。 红圈里,就是GROX新扩张的星系。 可以看到,星球是T1,所以我一降落进去,GROX的领地就直接炸了。 我等了很久的,无论扩张到哪个哪个新星系,都是选的T1。 重点是,即便新星系没有T1星 …
格拉克斯 - 灾厄中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限 …
格拉克斯 是一把 月球领主后 可制作的 锤斧。 它可以被视为 银斧 和 钨斧 的最终升级版。 它比其他大多数工具的范围大5格。 击中敌人会给予玩家10秒增加30防御,10%伤害减免和20%近战伤害的 格拉克斯之助 增益。 右键挥舞时失去作为锤斧的效果,不能砍树和破坏墙。 它作为工具使用时最好的 修饰语 为 轻,作为武器使用时最好的 修饰语 为 传奇。 格拉克斯是参考自泰拉瑞亚mod制作者和 re-logic公司的开发者 Grox The Great (以创建GRealm mod闻名)。 格拉克斯的配 …
그록스 - 나무위키
2024年8月10日 · 그록스는 기계 생명체이기 때문에 T0등급 행성에서만 살 수 있다. 그록스는 동맹을 맺게 될 때까지 자신들의 영토에 들어온 플레이어의 함선을 계속 공격한다. 다시 말해서, 동맹을 맺기 전에는 관계가 아무리 좋아도 공격받는다. 설사 그록스와 친근해지더라도 그록스와 물건을 사고 파는 것은 불가능하다. 단, 항성 간의 무역 및 항성을 사는 것은 가능. 한 번 그록스와 전쟁을 시작하면 휴전은 불가능하다. 그록스는 작은 나쁜 행위 (공격, 도둑질)에도 크게 반응한다 (물건 하나 훔치면 …
Any idea what the GROX is about? : r/Spore - Reddit
2020年7月24日 · The Grox are a powerful race found near the galactic core. They hate you off the bat, with a - 70 relationship for distrusting strangers, and attack you relentlessly while your within their territory.
What actually happens when you destroy the Grox? : r/Spore - Reddit
2021年7月2日 · I defeated The Grox and the result for me was disappointing. Relations with the other empires did not increase and when entering my home planet the game crashed many times. Additionally, the secret medal has a value of 0 points.