Grox | SporeWiki | Fandom
The Grox is an empire of space-faring creatures present in Spore. The primary antagonists of Space Stage and serving as the final obstacle towards the player's goal of reaching the Galactic Core, the Grox controls 2,400 systems in an approximately 2,000-parsec circumference around the Galactic Core, the Grox possess the largest and most ...
Grox (Spore) | Alien Species | Fandom
The Grox are a sapient race of evil, cyborg creatures that have control over most of the core region of the Milky Way Galaxy. A very ancient and mysterious race, the Grox are among the most important and the most feared empires that ever existed in the galaxy. They are widely known for their cybernetic implants, their aggressiveness and extreme hostility towards most other sapient species and ...
Grox 帝国是 SPORE 银河系中势力范围最广的帝国(没有“之一”),需要至少16天的时间才能消灭Grox。 Grox 帝国严严实实地包裹着银河中心,并且被 Grox 包裹的领域没有其他帝国势力。
Grox/Strategy | SporeWiki | Fandom
If you wish to ally with the Grox, it is highly recommended that you must have a Gracious Greeting consequence ability–which is obtained when completing the Tribal Stage with the Friendly trait–, which gives a relationship boost with races you meet.
【spore/孢子】打Grox成功一点心得。 - 哔哩哔哩
2021年8月4日 · 3颗炸弹需要打在市政府旁的空地上,直接轰市政府或边缘建筑往往需要更多炸弹。 也可以直接反物质炸弹炸(土豪) 一举两得:开护盾飞到Grox殖民地上空紧挨着建筑物,等Grox飞船飞近再使用反物质飞弹,殖民地也会被一起炸掉。
Spore里有人成功灭绝过Grox种族么? - 知乎
我的银河系里已经没有 Grox 了! 我用拼贴的方式做了一张大图,做这个图花了我两个多小时,因为是拼贴的,所以有拼贴痕迹。
【水】关于这游戏中“转职成Grox”到底是怎么回事。【孢子吧】_ …
译成“训练其他人”和“比较喜欢你”是毫无道理的。 另外在普通帝国那里也能看到“like you”,显然不是“喜欢你”的意思。 以下内容系通过SpView解包Text.package文件而得到,如果有其他解包工具原则上也可行。 0x0000009C I'd like to learn more. Do you have any suggestions? 0x0000009D Is there anything that needs doing? 0x0000009E I'm looking for a quest? Anyone got a quest? I need a quest. 0x0000009F I yearn to feel the solar wind at my back.
《孢子》与恶魔共舞--和GROX同盟的方法及后果 - 游民星空
2008年9月9日 · 到GROX星球时,一定不能带上友军,也不能开自动射击。 只要不和GROX同盟,哪怕关系是绿色的,它也会攻击你! 把以上都做了,绝对可以同盟了。 PS:没同盟之前使用“大使馆”不增加友好。 同盟之后,会收到所有接触帝国的消息,与GROX同盟意味着同整个银河系开战! 整个银河系的帝国友好都-200,不管接触还是没接触过。 更多相关内容请关注: 孢子专区. 作者:archdevil0 到GROX星球时,一定不能带上友军,也不能开自动射击。 只要不和GROX同 …
Grox | WikiSciFi | Fandom
The Grox are one of or perhaps the most powerful empire in the game Spore, a Life simulation game made by Will Wright and Maxis. They are a sapient species of cybernetic aliens that rule an empire of over 2400 systems (over 5000 planets). They are extremely aggressive, evil and hostile, and are a major obstacle for the player.
Grox | Villains Wiki | Fandom
The Grox Empire is a space-faring kingdom consisting race of small cyborg aliens that live near the center of the Spore Galaxy. They control 2,400 stars and 5,000 T0 planets, making them one of the largest evil empires. They are the most powerful empire in the galaxy and are the main antagonists of the 2008 Maxis game Spore.