Grease Filler Pump - GROZ TOOLS
The Groz High-Pressure Grease Filler Pump is the ultimate solution for clean and efficient grease application. Designed for machinery, equipment, trucks, and cars, this hand-operated pump is indispensable for high-pressure greasing in situations where power may not be accessible or when an air-operated grease pump is not an option.
With its portability and versatility, the Groz High-Pressure Grease Filler Pump is a must-have for seamless and effective high-pressure greasing tasks, delivering convenience and reliability in diverse industrial environments. Delivers: 1.5 GM/Stroke (1 OZ./ 19 strokes) Pressure Developed: 3,500 PSI (240 BAR)
GFP-HP CONSTITUENT PARTS 1 Available as spare: 48” Flexible Hose with Coupler 2 3 4 1. Drum Cover with Thumb Screws 2. Follower Plate ... Groz Engineering Tools (P) Ltd. Groz Net Industries Village Kherki Daula, National Highway-8 Gurgaon-122001, Haryana, INDIA TEL + / 221.4050
Grease Pumps - GROZ TOOLS
Our exhaustive range of manual, pneumatic and battery-operated Grease Guns, Pumps, Grease Fittings, and accessories find use in agricultural, construction, industrial maintenance, and repair applications. We make your greasing job easy! Our high-performance oil handling equipment offers unmatched reliability and efficiency.
Groz Grease Pumps - BPM Toolcraft
Groz | Grease Pump 20kg Gfp/Hp03-Spl/Rd2 Groz 20kg Grease Pump An easy-to-use, portable, high pressure, hand operated grease pump Provides volume greasing where power is not available or when...
Нагнітач Groz GFP (44212, 44221): купити в Україні за ціною від …
Призначений для використання з важільно-плунжерними шприцами для змащування. Найкраще використовувати для заправки дорогого мастила, так як нагнітач дозволяє ефективно дозувати все мастило з ємності тим самим мінімізуючи відсотки відходів. Рекомендується використовувати для легких мастил до NLGI 2 включно. Під фасування мастила: 20 кг та 50 кг.
Насос для смазки высокого давления GFP/HP-03/PRO
Насос высокого давления 44230.pdf. В комплекте - подъемная ручка, крышка на бочку, диск с резиновой окантовкой, 1220мм гибкий смазочный шланг с 4-х лепестковыми насадками. Рекомендации: перед первоначальным использованием насоса налейте 30мл топлива во входное отверствие насоса и нажимайте рычаг до момента как смазка начнет расдачу.
Солідолонагнітач GROZ GFP/03-PRO/UNI - smarta.ua
gfp/03-pro/uni - нагнітач мастила для заправки плунжерних шприців. Ємність бака 20 л. Продуктивність нагнітання – 28г/хід. Виробник: Індія
- Efficiently dispenses grease from 20 kg containers with minimal effort. - Designed for hand-operated use, providing precise control in applications. - Suitable for various industrial and mechanical settings requiring consistent lubrication. - Durable construction ensures long-lasting performance and reliability.
Tools to Trust – GROZ USA
Established in 1976, GROZ Engineering Tools has become a Global Manufacturing leader with specialties in Lubrication Equipment, Precision Engineering, Professional Hand Tools & Automotive Shop Equipment. Have questions or Need help? Call us: (888) 685-2916 or email us on [email protected] and we will gladly assist you.
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