What is the difference between a GTIN, barcode, EAN and UPC?
2024年8月30日 · GTIN-13 is also called EAN or JAN. It's a 13-digit number mostly used in Europe and rest of the world. GTIN-14 is a 14-digit number used for cases and packaging
The GTIN vs EAN Guide: Differences and Similarities
2024年9月6日 · GTIN vs EAN Summary. Both GTIN and EAN are unique identifiers used to trace products through the supply chain. Both are recognized internationally, but each has its own unique format and uses. GTINs have a broader scope than EANs, which have mainly been used in European markets.
亚马逊知识普及:UPC、EAN、GTIN最全详解! - 商业新知
ean或欧洲商品编号(也称为国际商品编号或ian)是gs1发行的条形码, 包括 数字gtin开头 的 公司前缀。 EANs的两种主要形式在亚马逊卖家中很受欢迎:EAN-13和EAN-8,它们分别编码GTIN-13和GTIN-8。
GTIN和EAN编码有什么不同? - 外贸日报
2024年3月30日 · GTIN(Global Trade Item Number)和EAN(European Article Number)都是全球通用的商品标识编码系统,它们的主要目的是为每个贸易项目提供唯一的标识。 GTIN 和 EAN 编码的主要区别在于地区使用和编码长度。 GTIN 是一个更广泛的术语,包括不同长度的编码结构,而 EAN 是 GTIN-13 在欧洲市场的特定应用。 尽管它们有所不同,但都是为了实现商品的全球唯一标识,确保供应链的高效运作。
EAN vs GTIN – The Differences Revealed! - Triton
2023年10月23日 · GTIN vs EAN - What's the Difference? EAN uses a fixed 13-digit data structure for product identification. GTIN, on the other hand, offers flexibility with variable digit data structures ranging from 8 to 14. EAN is predominantly used in European markets.
The Definitive Answer on GTIN vs UPC, EAN, and ISBN - Lab 916
Differences Between GTIN vs UPC, EAN, ISBN. GTIN stands for Global Trade Item Number. More specifically, GTIN is the series of numbers associated with a barcode. GTIN codes are part of larger global data structures that help identify a company’s unique product.
3分鐘搞懂國際條碼GTIN|EAN|JAN|UPC - ec-wiki
近期中國官方推薦的條碼是gtin,所以申請gtin以目前來看是想要走國際品牌的廠商最好的選擇,不論產品要出口到哪個國家都可以使用; 產品因為體積小無法放下13碼的條碼怎麼辦?
What is a product identifier? GTIN, SKU, EAN, and ASIN Explained
2024年9月10日 · GTIN vs. EAN: Are they the same? EAN (European Article Number) is a specific type of GTIN used mainly outside of North America. They are often used interchangeably, but technically EANs are a subset of GTINs.
EAN vs. UPC vs. GTIN: Guide to Barcodes | Disc Makers
2023年11月2日 · GTIN stands for Global Trade Item Number and is the new naming standard to unify UPC and EAN in one global system — helpful in our modern interconnected world. Each country has its own country code. There are four types of GTIN codes: GTIN-12 = UPC; GTIN-13 = EAN; GTIN-8 = EAN-8 (a shortened code used in Europe and Asia for small items)
UPC, EAN, GTIN, ISBN explained & which one you need
GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) ALL official GS1 issued barcode numbers are GTINs. That includes UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc. GTINs can be 8,12,13 or 14 digits. ISBN (International Standard Book Number) used for books & magazines, etc. 13 digits, used to be 10. GLN (Global Location Number) 13 digits, identifies a unique location, not a product.