The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget …
2012年4月16日 · If you want to ask questions about GTK, whether it’s for developing applications with GTK or contributing to GTK itself, you can use the GNOME Discourse instance, under the Platform/Core category. You can use tags like gtk or glib to narrow down the topic of discussion to specific libraries. You can also ask questions in our Matrix room.
The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget …
Using GTK from MSYS2 packages Installation. The MSYS2 project provides a UNIX-like development environment for Windows. It provides packages for many software applications and libraries, including the GTK stack. If you prefer developing using Visual Studio, you should use gvsbuild instead.
Docs - The GTK Team
GTK is a free and open-source cross-platform widget toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces.
Gtk – 4.0: Getting Started with GTK
GTK is a widget toolkit.Each user interface created by GTK consists of widgets. This is implemented in C using GObject, an object-oriented framework for C. Widgets are organized in a hierarchy.The window widget is the main container. The user interface is then built by adding buttons, drop-down menus, input fields, and other widgets to the window.
Getting Started with GTK - The GTK Team
Getting Started with GTK. GTK is a widget toolkit.Each user interface created by GTK consists of UI elements known as widgets.. The GTK programming interface is based on Object Orientation; widgets are organized in a hierarchy of classes—for instance, the window widget is also a specialised container, called a “bin”, that can hold at most one child widget.
The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget …
GTK and C++ About. gtkmm is the official C++ interface for GTK. Highlights include typesafe callbacks, and a comprehensive set of widgets that are easily extensible via inheritance. You can create user interfaces in code using Gtk::Builder.There’s extensive documentation, including API reference and a tutorial.. gtkmm is free software distributed under the GNU Library General …
4.0 - GTK
AccessibleList: Wraps a list of references to GtkAccessible objects.. since: 4.14. AccessibleTextRange: A range inside the text of an accessible object. since: 4.14. Bitset: A set of unsigned integers.
Gtk – 3.0: Getting Started with GTK
gcc `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` -o example-3 example-3.c `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` Note that GtkBuilder can also be used to construct objects that are not widgets, such as tree models, adjustments, etc.
3.0 - GTK
Force registration of all core Gtk+ and Gdk object types. This allowes to refer to any of those object types via g_type_from_name() after calling this function. since: 2.14. test_slider_get_value: Retrive the literal adjustment value for GtkRange based widgets and spin buttons.
GTK Development Blog – All things GTK
2025年2月1日 · GTK 4.14 will be released very soon, with new renderers that were introduced earlier this year.. The new renderers have much improved support for fractional scaling—on my system, I now use 125% scaling instead of the ‘Large Text’ setting, and I …