The Georgia Tech Research Corporation
The Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) is the contracting entity for all sponsored activities for colleges and other units at Georgia Tech that are not part of the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), the applied research division of the institute.
Georgia Tech Research Corporations
This website is dedicated to two 501 (c) (3) organizations that support research activities at Georgia Tech. These state-chartered organizations serve as contracting entities and assure proper fiscal stewardship for sponsored funds supporting research at the institute.
2024年4月17日 · GTRAC is the source for completing current WBT and obtaining certificates of completion. References to ALMS will be systematically purged as materials are updated. GCSS-Army is an SAP based...
GTCR Chicago Private Equity Firm
GTCR LLC is a leading private equity firm, based in Chicago, with over 40 years of deep sector expertise.
Georgia Tech Research Corporation - Wikipedia
The Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) is a contracting organization that supports research and technological development at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
About the Georgia Tech Research Corporations
The Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) supports academic and other units, including Georgia Tech’s six colleges. GTRC is also the assignee of all intellectual property created at Georgia Tech. The Office of Technology Licensing manages the Institute’s invention portfolio including licensing activities and patent decisions.
Georgia Tech Research Corporation
Founded in 1937, the Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) is a state-chartered, not-for-profit corporation serving Georgia Tech as a University System of Georgia-approved cooperative organization.
Home -GRTC
Connecting people to opportunities by providing safe, sustainable, and equitable transit. Download a route schedule directly from your computer. Know how to get where you're going, relax, and enjoy the ride! GRTC’s Flagship Bus Rapid Transit line, providing fast and frequent service between Willow Lawn and Rockett’s Landing.
航模测评 | GTRC第二代1500mm电动滑翔机开箱组装测评 - 知乎
今天,航模 情报局 为大家带来的是 GTRC出品的第二代1500mm翼展电动滑翔机 的测评。 视频时长10分钟,请在WIFI下观看哦~ 不方便观看视频的朋友可阅读以下测评文章~ 此款飞机分为空机和PNP两个版本, 这架测评飞机为PNP版本。 简单的包装箱外观,使用的两层厚纸箱,外层贴有这架飞机的参数图。 而且为了飞机的运输安全,厂家只发顺丰快递。 PNP版本安装度很高,机头电机、桨、桨罩、电调均已安装完毕,舵机和机翼连杆也都安装到位,并且出厂也已经调整了合 …
Georgia Tech Research Institute | GTRI
2025年1月22日 · Fifty years and countless research projects later, leaders at the GTRI’s Agricultural Technology Research Program (ATRP) say its secret to success remains the same: relationships. U.S. pilots and aircrews will be safer flying into contested airspace thanks to training provided by a 142-ton threat simulator system.