reference request - What are good books to learn graph theory ...
2014年5月6日 · Try Bondy and Murty, Graph Theory. The previous version, Graph Theory with Applications, is available online. Diestel's Graph Theory (which has a "free preview" online) is presented as a graduate textbook, but it does not really have any prerequisites.
Amazon Best Sellers: Best Graph Theory
Engineering Notebook: 5 x 5 Graph Rule on Back Shows Through to Margin-Ruled Front, featuring Metric Conversion Tables—Graph Paper for Engineers, Math & Science Students, 8.5” x 11”, 160+ Cream Pages
有没有图论方面的好书? - 知乎
2023年1月28日 · 如果是想学习图论整体的理论了的话,一般会用J.A.Bondy和U.S.R.Murty的 Graph Theory,一共有两个版本,老版国内应该能找到中文版,内容较少,学起来也比较轻松,还有一个版本是08年出版的GTM244内容比较多,有很多新的理论,600页左右。
Graph Book: A Graphing Notebook for High School and College …
2021年5月22日 · This graph book has a dimension of 8.5 inches X 11 inches and has a total of 200 graph pages ideal for high school and college students. Each graph page has a measurement of one-quarter of an inch with line weights that divides each three-quarter of an inch into main squares for better visibility and the ability to distinguish between these ...
Graph Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 173) - amazon.com
2024年12月13日 · This standard textbook on modern graph theory combines the authority of a classic with the engaging freshness of style that is the hallmark of active mathematics. It covers the core material of the subject, with concise yet complete proofs, while offering glimpses of more advanced methods in each field via one or two deeper results.
- 5/5(1)
Graph Theory Books - Goodreads
Books shelved as graph-theory: Introduction to Graph Theory by Richard J. Trudeau, Graph Theory by Reinhard Diestel, Network Science by Albert-László Bar...
Handbook of Graph Theory - Google Books
2003年12月29日 · The Handbook of Graph Theory is the most comprehensive single-source guide to graph theory ever published. Best-selling authors Jonathan Gross and Jay Yellen assembled an...
图深度学习(葡萄书) - GitHub Pages
本书第一版包含第一到七章,涵盖了最常见的各类图神经网络理论和代码讲解。 后续章节将包含图神经网络在各个领域内更加实际的应用案例。 如果你想参与到项目中来欢迎提交 Issue 申请开启一个新的章节,并在完成后进行 pull request。 如果你发现了一些问题,欢迎在 Issue 中进行反馈🐛。 如果你对本项目感兴趣想要参与进来可以联系项目负责人 @小饭 进行交流💬。 如果你对 Datawhale 很感兴趣并想要发起一个新的项目,欢迎查看 Datawhale 贡献指南。 本教程得到了《图深度 …
GitHub - datawhalechina/grape-book: 图深度学习(葡萄书), …
本书第一版包含第一到七章,涵盖了最常见的各类图神经网络理论和代码讲解。 后续章节将包含图神经网络在各个领域内更加实际的应用案例。 如果你想参与到项目中来欢迎提交 Issue 申请开启一个新的章节,并在完成后进行 pull request。 如果你发现了一些问题,欢迎在 Issue 中进行反馈🐛。 如果你对本项目感兴趣想要参与进来可以联系项目负责人 @小饭 进行交流💬。 如果你对 Datawhale 很感兴趣并想要发起一个新的项目,欢迎查看 Datawhale 贡献指南。 本教程得到了《图深度 …
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