Gu Ya - 谷芽 - Fructus Oryzae Germinatus - American Dragon
Gu Ya promotes digestion and indirectly strengthens the Middle Jiao by decreasing the burden on the Spleen and Stomach. and tonify the Spleen and Stomach to enhance digestive function.
谷芽 - 中医百科
2016年9月23日 · Rice-grain Sprout, Millet Sprout. 蘖米、谷蘖、稻蘖、稻芽. 【原形态】 稻,一年生栽培植物。 秆直立,丛生,高约1m左右。 叶鞘无毛,下部者长于节间;叶舌膜质而较硬,披针形,基部两侧下延与叶鞘边缘相结合,长5-25mm,幼时具明显的叶耳;叶片扁平,披针形至条状披针形,长30-60cm,宽6-15cm。
Gu Ya - TCM Simple
Pinyin Name: Gu Ya. English Name: Fructus Oryzae Sativae Germinatus. Other Names: Rice Paddy Sprouts. Tastes: Sweet, Neutral. Origin: Southern China. Benefits of Gu Ya: Gu Ya covers meridians of spleen and stomach. Main functions are helping to digest, removing the retention of food, invigorating the spleen for whetting the appetite.
Gu Ya - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · Germinant fruit of Oryza sativa L. of family Gramineae. All parts of south China. No smell, slightly sweet. Even size, yellow, big without impurity. After being cleaned, dipped in water for 4~6 hours, then fished out, kept in suitable temperature and humidity until plumule growing to 1.0 cm, then dried in the sun, unprocessed or stir-baked.
稻芽 - 中药材 - 中医世家
本品为禾本科植物 稻 Oryza sativa L.的 成熟果实经发芽 干燥而得。 将稻谷用水浸泡后,保持适宜的温、湿度,待须根长至约1cm时,干燥。 本品呈扁长椭圆形,两端略尖,长7~9mm,直径约3mm。 外稃黄色,有白色细茸毛,具5脉。 一端有2枚对称的白色条形浆片,长2~3mm,于一个浆片内侧伸出弯曲的须根1~3条,长0.5~1.2cm。 质硬,断面白色,粉性。 无臭,味淡。 置通风干燥处,防蛀。 稻芽 除去杂质。 炒稻芽 取净稻芽,照清炒法(附录Ⅱ D)炒至深黄色。 焦 …
谷芽_中药标本_中医药_医药网 - pharmnet.com.cn
拼音:GU YA 拉丁:Fructus Setariae Germinatus 别名:蘖米、谷蘖、稻蘖、稻芽 药用部位:成熟果实经发芽干燥而成 药材性状:本品呈类圆球形,直径约2mm,顶端钝圆,基部略尖。
Yin Yang House | Gu Ya - Rice Sprout TCM Materia Medica
The TCM herb "gu ya" which in english is "rice sprout", is categorized within the "herbs that relieve food stagnation" functional grouping. It is thought to enter the spleen and stomach channels and exhibits neutral (ping) and sweet (gan) taste/temperature properties.
Gu Ya | Fructus Setariae Germinatus | 稻芽 - seaofchi.com
Gu Ya (Pin-yin name) Chinese therapeutic actions: dissolves food stagnation, promotes digestion and harmonized the middle Jiao, strengthens the spleen and encourages appetite.
Su Ya (Gu Ya) - 粟芽 - Fructus Setariae Germinatus (Fructus Oryzae ...
Su (Gu) Ya is more harmonious, gentle and tonifying. It strengthens the Spleen and tonifies Qi. It is preferred when the Spleen and Stomach are weak and unable to properly digest food leading to anorexia. The digestive action of Gu Ya is more moderate than Mai Ya. They are generally prescribed together to enhance the therapeutic effect.
Chinese Nutrition Properties of Gu Ya
Gu Ya in TCM: Explore the properties of Gu Ya according to Chinese Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Factoids: English Name: sprouted setaria, sprouted oryza, sprouted millet Pharmacuetical Name: Fructus Setariae Germinatus Properties: sweet, neutral Temperature: neutral Channels: ST, SP Flavors: sweet
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