Gua Lou - 栝楼 - Fructus Trichosanthis - American Dragon
For loosening the bowels and relieving constipation, use the seed Gua Lou Ren. Its ability to moisten Dryness and move the bowels is most suited for wheezing and constipation associated with Phlegm-Heat accumulating in the Lungs and then obstruction the Large Intestine.
Gua Lou Zhi Shi Tang - 瓜蔞枳實湯 - American Dragon
Huang Qin Gan Cao, disseminates Lung expels Phlegm, resolves toxicity, and expels pus for productive cough with hoarseness and pain and swelling of the throat due to Wind-Heat. Promotes the movement of and a lleviates pain.
Gua Lou Shi Herb | Trichosanthes Fruit | Plum Dragon Herbs
Trichosanthes Fruit, or Gua Lou Shi, is used to moisten the lungs and relieve coughs. Buy this dried herb to help relieve symptoms of sickness or allergies.
GUA LOU SHI (QUAN GUA LOU) - Chinese Medicine Wiki.org
GUA LOU SHI (QUAN GUA LOU) » GUA LOU SHI (QUAN GUA LOU) Fold Unfold. Table of Contents. Nomenclature. Properties: Dosage and Toxicity. Functions. Google Image Search. Preparation and Processing. Cautions and contraindications. Clinical Research and studies. Formulas that include this herb ...
Trichosanthes Kirilowii Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, …
Trichosanthes Kirilowii is effective medicinally. The leaf and stem of the plant are Febrifuge. The fruit is Antibacterial, Anticholesterolemic, Antifungal and Laxative in nature. Soup prepared from the fruit of the herb cures Cold and Influenza.
Gua Lou - Traditional Chinese Medicine Healing Herbs(TCMHH)
For exuberant phlegm manifested by cough, dyspnea, yellow phlegm difficult in expectoration and stuffiness and fullness of chest, it is combined with heat-phlegm-clearing and resolving herbs. For instance it is combined with Dan Nan Xing, Huang Qin and Zhi Shi, etc. in Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan from Yi Fang Kao (Verification of Medical Prescription ...
Zhi shi xie bai gui zhi tang - TCMWoerden
Gua lou shi, Trichosanthis fructus is cold, sweet, bitter, and it dispels phlegm and cools, open the chest and disperses accumulation. Gua lou shi clears heat and transforms phlegm by flushing it out via the large intestine.
Gua Lou - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · For productive cough and dyspnea due to lung heat, it is singly used in Run Fei San from Xuan Ming Lun Fang to clear lung and resolve phlegm. For exuberant phlegm manifested by cough, dyspnea, yellow phlegm difficult in expectoration and stuffiness and fullness of chest, it is combined with heat-phlegm-clearing and resolving herbs.
Gua Lou - Trichosanthes whole fruit - Chinese Herbal Medicine
2013年5月16日 · Actions: Moistens the Lungs and Large Intestine; promotes bowel movement; promotes healing of sores; clears phlegm-heat; expands and promotes Qi circulation in the chest; clears Lung heat.
Gua Lou Zhi Shi Tang 栝樓枳實湯 - Trichosanthis and Aurantium …
GUA LOU ZHI SHI TANG: Used for Phlegm-Heat obstructs the Lung. Breaks up Stagnation. Dissolves Phlegm, clears Heat, moistens Dryness, relieves chest congestion.