Gua Lou - 栝楼 - Fructus Trichosanthis - American Dragon
For loosening the bowels and relieving constipation, use the seed Gua Lou Ren. Its ability to moisten Dryness and move the bowels is most suited for wheezing and constipation associated with Phlegm-Heat accumulating in the Lungs and then obstruction the Large Intestine. Its most useful quality is that it descends Phlegm and turbidity. It can be ...
Si Gua Lou - 絲瓜絡 - Fructus Luffae Retinervus - American Dragon
Si Guo Luo promotes the smooth flow of Qi and Blood and transforms Phlegm within the collaterals. Dry-fried Luffa Chao Si Gua Luo is neutral and is stronger at invigorating the Blood, unblocking the channels and stopping pain. It is often used for traumatic injury, amenorrhea due to Blood Stasis and obstruction causing insufficient lactation.
Si Gua Luo (Retinervus Luffae Fructus) - Tcmly
Si Gua Luo commonly known as Retinervus Luffae Fructus is the fiber bundle of the ripe fruit of Luffa cylindrica, which is an annual dicotyledonous vine belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is a relatively practical and common Chinese herbal medicine, which first appeared in <Compendium of Materia Medica> in 1,578 AD.
丝瓜络 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
是 絲瓜 乾燥成熟果實的 維管束。 性味甘、平。 丝瓜络有活经通络、清热化痰之效,亦可作治胸脇疼痛、腰痛等。 在《本草药新》记有化痰顺气之效。 [2] 菜瓜布 可作爲 抹布 和 浴巾 等,用來洗碗、洗浴。 又可做成 墊毯 置于 茶垫 上,承托 茶壺,不生異味。 [3] ^ 中藥材輕百科-現代版本本草綱目. 台灣: 山岳文化圖書有限公司. 2005年2月: 245. ISBN 986-80744-2-8.
Si Gua Luo 絲瓜絡 - kamwo.com
Si Gua Luo is a vegetable that is often used as medicine. It is sweet taste is especially useful in treating pediatrics. Si Gua Luo is cooling and is often combined with Yi Yi Ren and Bai Mao Gen to address Heat Lin Syndrome (Re Lin).
Si Gua Luo - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · The Effect of Si Gua Luo Property. Sweet, neutral; lung, stomach and liver meridians entered. Actions. Stimulate the menstrual flow and activate collateral, clear heat and resolve phlegm. Indications. Abdominal pain, lumbago, chest pain, sores and boils, amenorrhea, cough and phlegm due to lung heat, Spermary Gall, anal fistula, poor lactation.
Gua Lou Gui Zhi Tang - 栝楼桂枝汤 - American Dragon
With Gui Zhi and Da Zao, harmonizes the Ying and Wei to drive out pathogens. Nourishes the Blood, c alms the Spirit and moderates and harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs. With Sheng Jiang, adjusts the Ying and Wei for treatment of Tai Yang Zhong Feng.
丝瓜络 - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · Charred Si Gua Luo can stop bleeding, and is used for hematochezia and metrorrhagia. Decoct 5~15 g; stir-bake it into charcoal, 1.5~3 g per time. Proper dosage is for external application, charred and pounded into powder for applying.
稜角絲瓜 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
稜角絲瓜 (学名: Luffa acutangula)為 葫蘆科 絲瓜屬 的一 種,又稱 八角瓜 、 八棱瓜 、 十角絲瓜 、 角瓜 、 廣東絲瓜 、 澎湖絲瓜 、 金門絲瓜 或 雨傘瓜 、 勝瓜 、 絲瓜,是 圆筒丝瓜 (Luffa aegyptica)的近缘物种,一年生蔓性草本植物,果體有十條明顯突起的稜,原產地為印度次大陸,現遍佈熱帶亞洲、包括中國,也被引入到非洲及美洲,未成熟果实作为蔬菜食用。 [1][2] 稜角絲瓜的果实有点像带有隆起背脊的 黄瓜。 它分布在中亚以及东亚至东南亚地区。 在寒冷气候的 …
Si Gua Luo (Sponge gourds) in Chinese Medicine - meandqi.com
Si Gua Luo is an assistant ingredient in Qing Luo Yin. This means that it either serves to reinforces the effect of other ingredients or it moderates their toxicity. In Qing Luo Yin, Si Gua Luo clears and vents the collaterals of the Lungs. Read more about Qing Luo Yin