Ming Dynasty Firearm Making Manual - Worldonline Wiki
Guaizi Gun. It was an arquebus with a curved handle that could be fired in bursts. It had length of 37.5 centimeters and had a reload style similar to a western gun. It could fire three shots consecutively with a range of 150 meters. The Ming Dynasty termed it as a gun that would win against the western styled guns in ten thousand battles.
Guaizi Ma - Wikipedia
The Guaizi Ma (simplified Chinese: 拐子马; traditional Chinese: 拐子馬; pinyin: guǎizi mǎ) is a military formation that was allegedly used by the Jin army when they invaded Southern China during the Song dynasty period of Chinese history (960–1279). It was once believed to involve the linking together of three cavalrymen with a hide ...
Weapons - cmaclub.studsoc.hku.hk
Also known as "guaizi", it could be long or short. When in long form, it is called danguai, the short being shangguai. Despite being different in structure, the uses between both variations are quite similar. danguai's main moves are pi, za, gun, beng, zhi, zha, na, gou, pai, guazai, etc.
Jezail - Wikipedia
The jezail or jezzail (Pashto: جزائل, ultimately from the plural form Arabic: جزایل, "long [barrels]") is a simple, cost-efficient and often handmade long arm commonly used in Afghanistan in the past. It was popular amongst the Pashtun tribesmen, who deposed Shah Shuja. [1] .
Infantry equipment of the People's Liberation Army of China
The following is a list of infantry equipment of the People's Liberation Army of China. Type 64 - 7.62 mm semi-automatic pistol, first firearm to be indigenously developed by the People's Republic of China. Withdrawn from army but in service with the People's Armed Police and People's Police (retired from service)
刀、枪、剑、戟、斧、钺、钩、叉、鞭、锏、锤、抓、镋、棍、槊 …
近代戏曲界有人称之为刀、枪、剑、戟、斧、钺、钩、叉、鞭、锏、锤、抓、镋、棍、槊、棒、拐、流星锤等十八种兵器。 (便于记忆的方法:刀枪剑戟 斧钺钩叉 镋棍槊棒 鞭锏锤抓 拐子流星)。 十八般兵器 shí bā bān bīng qì. 【解释】本指刀枪剑戟等十八种古式兵器。 后泛指多种武器。 亦比喻多种技能。 【出处】清·郭小亭《济公全传》第六十回:“马静一瞧,大殿前摆着家伙,十八般兵器,一应俱全。 ”清·文康《儿女英雄传》第八回:“若论十八般兵器,我‘十三妹’都算拿得起。 …
2010年11月30日 · “刀枪剑戟,斧钺钩叉,鞭锏锤抓,镋棍槊棒,拐子流星”这句歌词出自歌曲《我上大名府》,来自周华健的专辑《江湖》。 而这每个字都是十八般武器的名称,十八般兵器为中华武艺和武器的象征,在古典小说和传统评话中,常说武艺高强的人是“十八般武艺样样精通”,这十八般武艺是指使用“十八般兵器”的功夫和技能。 十八般武器的完整名称是刀dāo、枪qiāng、剑jiàn、戟jǐ、斧fǔ、钺yuè、钩gōu、叉chā、鞭biān、锏jiǎ、锤chúi、抓zhuā、镗táng、槊shuò …
刀、枪、剑、戟、斧、钺、钩、叉、鞭、锏、锤、抓、镋、棍、槊 …
2022年4月8日 · 提问:刀、枪、剑、戟、斧、钺、钩、叉、鞭、锏、锤、抓、镋、棍、槊、棒、拐、流星锤十八般兵器 都怎么读要拼音 - 回答:刀dāo、枪qiāng、剑jiàn、戟jǐ、斧fǔ、钺yuè、钩gōu、叉chā、鞭biān、锏jiǎ、锤chúi、抓zhuā、镗táng、槊 huò、棍gùn、棒bàng、拐子guaizi、 …
瓜子TV - 澳新华人在线视频分享平台,海量高清视频在线观看
三年前一次行动中,邦被匪徒枪杀、力重伤昏迷,文归咎于飞,好友自此分道扬镳。 城中发生妙龄女郎肢解谋杀案,受害者与贩卖人口集团有关,隷属情报科的文负责调查集团罪证,而重案组的飞负责追查凶手,派遣见习督察温嘉莉混入犯罪集团。 飞和文不约而同、接二连三地收到神秘手机讯息,提示命案线索,上级遂将两组人合并,成立神秘讯息情报科(ASIB)。 ASIB由飞和文带领,共同拆解这些似是来自未来的神秘讯息,侦破离奇命案。 讯息神秘莫测,无法以科学解释 …
Uzi - Wikipedia
The Uzi ( / ˈuːzi / ⓘ; Hebrew: עוזי, romanized: Ūzi; officially cased as UZI) is a family of Israeli open-bolt, blowback -operated submachine guns and machine pistols first designed by Major Uziel "Uzi" Gal in the late 1940s, shortly after the establishment of the State of Israel.
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