Why was Guan Yu later deified as a 'god of war' but Lu Bu, who
2020年11月20日 · Taoists were initially against Guan Yu for his failings and preferred figures like Pang De but with Guan Yu rising status among the Buddhists, the Taoists added him to their pantheon over time. During the times of the Southern Song the ghost of Guan Yu was said to help the Celestial Master against a dragon (then later changed to Chiyou) in his ...
How do you use Aspect of Guan Yu? : r/HadesTheGame - Reddit
Coming from a 20 heat guan yu main (During blood price, though there’s no spear changes in v1.0), here’s a few tips. Get it to max rank. Seriously. It’s unplayable otherwise. Don’t force a heal spin. Only do a spin when you are somewhat safe (You can dash while spinning, which will send the spin the the direction you are dashing.)
Calling all Guan Yu experts for combat advice : r/HadesTheGame
2020年2月14日 · Don't bother using guan yu til you have it at rank 4-5, the ranks 1-3 is way too punishing if you're not confident with the aspect. You don't have to charge the spin all the way if you just need hp, charging it for the minimum amount heals for the same per hit as a max charged one (it has a shorter range tho, so not effective on evading ...
Spear/Guan Yu builds or tips? : r/HadesTheGame - Reddit
For guan yu specifically, you'll want to focus on your special. I like to use artemis attack and try to pick up charged skewer/explosive skewer. If you don't get the hammers it will feel quite underwhelming. Achilles aspect is probably the best spear aspect, especially for cast builds.
How Exactly do I get Guan Yu aspect? : r/HadesTheGame - Reddit
2020年8月16日 · Varatha: Aspect of Guan Yu. Acquire the Fated List, unlock at least 5 other aspects, and fight Hades at least once (outcome is irrelevant). Achilles should tell you more in a conversation soon after that. Stygius: Aspect of Arthur. Unlock the Aspect of Guan Yu, then invest at least 5 Titan Blood into any Blade aspects.
Guan Yu tips/builds? : r/Smite - Reddit
2021年12月5日 · Guan's worth having in your back pocket for both Jungle and Solo. He is basically always viable, and occasionally oppressive. They have to nerf him into the ground before he's ever outright bad. Some matchups, like Merlin and Skadi are so one sided toward Guan that they're basically 4v5.
Is Aspect of Guan Yu ever worth it? : r/HadesTheGame - Reddit
2021年1月22日 · One other side note, I don't think many people realize how broked Guan Yu is with Athena's attack boon. For whatever reason, every single projectile on the entire map that becomes active while you are charging a spin attack will automatically be perfectly reflected back to the nearest enemy the moment you release your attack.
How to Build Guan Yu? : r/HadesTheGame - Reddit
2022年2月23日 · Ok, my Strat with Guan Yu is to avoid the spin and attack pretty much entirely. You want to focus on the special, which is a mini missile straight out the gate. Chuck Aphro on the special, hope for a chaos boon on the special, and you want the charged skewer and breaching skewer hammers if possible, with charged taking priority.
Why did Wu execute Guan Yu and Guan Ping instead of holding
2022年3月15日 · Guan Yu and his son Guan Ping were captured and eventually executed. This, combined with Zhang Fei's assassination, threw Liu Bei into a fit of rage, resulting in the Battle of Yiling. Still, wouldn't it have been more efficient for Lu Meng, the Wu commander, to simply hold the Guans hostage and use them as bargaining chips for Jing Province?
Why the aspect of guan Yu sucks ? : r/HadesTheGame - Reddit
2023年1月2日 · Guan Yu may feel way more punishing with its 70% debuff, but one has to bear in mind that it is upgradable to just 50% debuff. It also becomes way more rewarding in terms of life steal capabilities when you learn how to land it.