IPA Reader
This is a tool for reading International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) notation aloud. It makes it easy to actually hear how words are pronounced based on their phonetic spelling, without having to …
IPA Phonetic Transcription of English Text - toPhonetics
This online converter of English text to IPA phonetic transcription will translate your English text into its phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Paste or type your …
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Reader
Use the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Reader to reproduce phonetic transcriptions of words and phrases. You could use this tool to learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), …
English to IPA Translator – Phonetic Spelling Generator
Welcome to the ALL NEW English to IPA Translator. Enter an English word in the IPA converter and if the word is in the database, the IPA representation will appear in the IPA Box. To hear …
IPA Translator
easy to use free tool for converting text from English to the International Phonetic Alphabet, allows you to play Text-to-Speech audio and suggest the right language based on detected …
【IPA国际标准音标】一次性搞定英语发音 - 知乎
现在国际最通用的音标标准是IPA, “international phonetic alphabet”。 它不仅用于定义英语的发音标准,也适用于其他所有语言的发音标准,比如说日语韩语法语西班牙语意意大利语德语等等。
IPA国际音标表(2020)英汉对照(并汉化规范条例附图解) - 知乎
2023年3月10日 · IPA国际音标表,常见纯英文版或纯中文版,少见英汉双语对照排版。 且中文版的表达,有时带英式习惯,有“翻译腔”。 还有一些地方,没有译出术语原义。 这里提供一个 …
IPA Chart
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a set of symbols that linguists use to describe the sounds of spoken languages. This page lets you hear the sounds that the symbols represent, …
(中文译注:硬腭可分前硬腭与后硬腭)²ᵃ. (每栏)成对出现的符号,右边的为浊辅音。 阴影部分表示不太可能产生发音的区域²ᵇ. 以上调音部位名 2a、2b 均无“音”字(如“龈(后)”、“齿/ …
国际音标(International Phonetic Alphabet,简称 IPA),是一套用于表示全世界语言发音的符号系统。 与我们日常使用的字母不同,IPA 采用 一对一 的方式,每个符号都对应一个独特的语 …
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