Guinea pig - Wikipedia
The guinea pig or domestic guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), also known as the cavy or domestic cavy (/ ˈkeɪvi / KAY-vee), is a species of rodent belonging to the genus Cavia, family Caviidae. Breeders tend to use the name "cavy" for the animal, but "guinea pig" is more commonly used in scientific and laboratory contexts. [1] .
Guinea pig | Definition, Diet, Life Span, & Facts | Britannica
2025年3月13日 · guinea pig, (Cavia porcellus), a domesticated species of South American rodent belonging to the cavy family (Caviidae). It resembles other cavies in having a robust body with short limbs, large head and eyes, and short ears. The feet have hairless soles and short sharp claws. There are four toes on the forefeet and three on the hind feet.
第638期:小白鼠为什么叫几内亚猪? - 佛老扯英文
2019年10月29日 · 中文也把它叫做“ 豚鼠 “(pig mouse),也叫 荷兰猪(Netherlands pig)。 这种小动物源于南美洲,自古以来就是当地居民喜欢的一种食物——没错,食物。 南美人民跟我们一样,什么都吃。
豚鼠 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
豚鼠 (学名: Cavia porcellus),又名 天竺鼠 、 葵鼠 、 荷兰猪,在 动物学 的分类是 哺乳纲 啮齿目 豚鼠科 豚鼠属。 尽管英文名字叫“guinea pig”(几内亚猪),但是这种动物既不是 猪,也并非来自 几内亚。 其祖先来自 南美洲 的 安第斯山脉,根据 生物化学 和 杂交 分析,豚鼠是一种天竺鼠诸如 白臀豚鼠 (C. aperea)、 艳豚鼠 (C. fulgida)或 草原豚鼠 (C. tschudii)等近缘物种经过 驯化 的后代。 因此,这种动物在大自然已经不复存在 [1][2]。 在南美原住民的文化中,豚 …
13 Things to Know Before Getting a Guinea Pig - The Spruce Pets
2024年1月9日 · From the expected lifespan to the social nature of guinea pigs, here are some things to consider before choosing a guinea pig as a pet. While a guinea pig doesn't live nearly as long as a cat or dog, they're still a large time commitment.
GUINEA PIG中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
guinea pig noun [C] (TEST) a person used in a scientific test , for example to discover the effect of a drug on humans (通常用于测试药效的) 实验对象 , 供做实验的人
豚鼠(豚鼠科豚鼠属下的一种动物)_百度 ... - 百度百科
豚鼠,是啮齿目豚鼠科豚鼠属 哺乳动物,又称几内亚猪、荷兰猪、海猪、天竺鼠。 [24] 根据豚鼠被毛的特点,可分为3个品种,即是短毛种、长毛种和硬毛种。 [25] 豚鼠头大,颈短、耳圆、无尾,四肢较短;前肢有四趾,后肢有三趾,有尖锐短爪;全身被毛,毛色丰富多彩,皮毛紧披,富有光泽。 [26] 豚鼠因足似豚得名。 [27] 豚鼠原产于 南美洲,16世纪作为玩赏动物传入欧洲, [28] 分布于南美洲 哥伦比亚 至 圭亚那 一带。 野生物种不再存在。 作为宠物或者实验动物以及肉用 …
A Beginner’s Ultimate Guide To Guinea Pig Care (The Only One …
When you’re considering getting a guinea pig, it’s important to think if a guinea pig would best suit your lifestyle based on: how much time you have for grooming, cleaning, and daily interaction if you’re within a short driving distance of an exotic vet – one that specializes in guinea pig
Guinea Pig Facts - Fact Animal
Interesting Guinea Pig Facts 1. They’re not just pets. When we think of guinea pigs, most of us think of the adorable little squeaky slippers that school classrooms used to have before allergies became a thing. As a pet, the guinea pig is widely popular on account of them being docile, adorable, and smart.
Keeping Guinea Pigs As Pets | RSPCA - RSPCA - rspca.org.uk
Guinea pigs are small, sociable and 'chatty' rodents. They're traditionally thought of as great first pets for children. Guinea pigs, also known as 'cavies', are social animals with a compact, rounded body shape, short legs and no tail. They originate from the grasslands and lower slopes of the Andes Mountains in South America.