GumGum | Contextual Intelligence Company | High Impact …
GumGum is a contextual intelligence company that uses artificial intelligence to see and analyze the full content of a page in a whole new way. The result is highly visible and engaging ads served where your users are most likely to see them.
About GumGum | Privacy-forward | Brand Safe | Contextual …
GumGum is an artificial intelligence company with a focus on computer vision. Our mission is to solve hard problems across a variety of industries by teaching machines to see and understand the world.
GumGum's Contextual Advertising and Brand Safety Technology
GumGum Contextual, the artificial intelligence at the heart of our platform, delivers the industry’s most sophisticated contextual targeting without sacrificing brand safety or campaign reach.
Chewing gum - Wikipedia
Chewing gum is a soft, cohesive substance designed to be chewed without being swallowed. Modern chewing gum is composed of gum base, sweeteners, softeners/plasticizers, flavors, colors, and, typically, a hard or powdered polyol coating. [1]
Jessi (제시) - 'Gum' MV - YouTube
#Jessi (#제시) - '#Gum' MVListen & download ‘Gum’ out now -Melon: https://kko.to/lYkVVZzP7H -Spotify: https://bit.ly/3S9Sh43 -Apple Music: https://bit.ly/45NFT...
Amazon.com | Chewing gum
Online shopping for Chewing & Bubble Gum from a great selection at Grocery & Gourmet Food Store.
台北內湖餐廳》市區少見獨棟玻璃屋餐酒館 GUMGUM Beer
2024年7月6日 · 台北市區內少見的獨棟餐廳,佔地寬廣,帶著簡約的工業風設計,在內湖科學園區內一開幕就爆紅. GUM GUM看板也太幽默. 大面積的落地窗,讓人感覺格外不受拘束,加上不成套的桌椅,不拘小節的安排,讓人不自覺的放鬆~ 仿佛坐在花園餐廳,太有戶外用餐的感覺~ 可別以為生意冷清清,寶寶溫是11:30開門就來,還好現場還有座位,座位大部分已被老饕們預約了!! 座位旁有大樹,是不是好美. 還有特別適合多人聚餐的座位區!! 寶寶溫最喜歡吧台區…夜裡坐這獨 …
GumGum Love You
GUMGUM 代表著無拘無束、自在灑脫的生活態度用叼著一根菸,小解的那瞬間,找回自己最自在放鬆的一刻。
GumGum | 立即訂位!inline 線上訂位預約
GumGum 24小時線上訂位,選擇時間、人數,立即訂位不用等! 還可以線上查詢營業時間、看菜單! GumGum 位於,為類型餐廳。
GUM中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
GUM翻译:嘴, 齿龈,牙龈,牙床, 黏性物质, 树胶,树脂, 胶,粘合剂, 口香糖(同 chewing gum);泡泡糖(同 bubble gum), 透明果味糖;胶姆糖;橡皮软糖, 用胶粘。