Gumpert Apollo - Wikipedia
The Gumpert Apollo is a sports car produced by German automotive manufacturer Gumpert Sportwagenmanufaktur GmbH in Altenburg. Gumpert filed for bankruptcy in August 2013, thereby ending the production of the Apollo.
Gumpert Apollo - 百度百科
Gumpert 近期最广为人知的车型当属Gumpert apollo了,是Gumpert先生研发的" apollo ( 阿波罗 )"赛车的量产版,也是 奥迪 旗下的顶级跑车。 该车具有 幻影战斗机 的气势,相当吸引眼球,并且定位以法拉利(ferrari)为对手。
Apollo Automobil - Wikipedia
Apollo Automobil (previously known as Gumpert Sportwagenmanufaktur) is a German sports car manufacturer headquartered in Denkendorf. Roland Gumpert, who founded Gumpert Sportwagenmanufaktur in 2004, once held the position of director of Audi Sport.
The Striking Gumpert Apollo 101: A German Powerhouse Name!
2024年12月20日 · The Gumpert Apollo is a name synonymous with extreme performance and audacious design. While various iterations of the Apollo graced the hypercar world, one variant stood out as the most ferocious expression of the Gumpert ethos: the Apollo Enraged.
Gumpert Apollo: Costs, Facts, And Figures - HotCars
2021年2月8日 · The Gumpert Apollo was a $600,000 track-car for the road that could technically be driven up-side-down at over 120 mph. All hail the 'Aero'gods! Costs Over Half-A-Million Dollars; And Came In 3 Versions
Gumpert Apollo S - 百度百科
Gumpert Apollo S被誉为“赛道猛兽”。7分11秒纽博格林北环单圈和BBC Top Gear赛道测试中新记录的创造者。它的双涡轮增压的 奥迪 V8发动机 一开始发出的是沉闷轰轰声,然后是与机械噪音相伴奏的差别明显的呼呼声和啁啾声。
「太阳神的陨落与重生」Gumpert Apollo - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
上市之后,完全可以合法上路的Gumpert Apollo饱受好评,Autocar首席试车手Matt Prior表示阿波罗重新定义了驾驶的感受以及速度的纯粹。 这部超跑的车身由玻璃纤维及碳纤维制成,采用管制车架,由于选配不同,整备质量在1.1吨至1.2吨之间,甚至不到一台新M5的一半。
Gumpert Apollo Sport: History, Specifications, & Performance
Gumpert is a German boutique automaker, remembered best for its remarkable foray into the supercar segment with the release of the 2007 Gumpert Apollo Sport more than a decade ago.
2006 - 2012 Gumpert Apollo - Top Speed
2011年5月3日 · Details on the Gumpert Apollo after the jump. The 2006 Gumpert Apollo was a mid-engine supercar that combined the extreme aerodynamic requirements of a performance-oriented, purist super...
诸神之怒:Gumpert Apollo车系历史 - 搜狐
2017年10月23日 · 2009年,Gumpert在纽博格林北环赛道上用基于Apollo S打造的Apollo Speed以7分11秒刷新了当时的最快单圈成绩,成为当时世界上最快的合法街车。 Apollo S的年产量仅为50台,售价高达34万美元,车重仅为1200 kg。