Type 63 assault rifle - Wikipedia
The Type 63 (Chinese: 63式7.62mm自动步枪) is a Chinese 7.62×39mm assault rifle. The weapon's overall design was based on the SKS (known in Chinese service as the Type 56 carbine), but with select fire capability and a rotating bolt system adapted from the Type 56 assault rifle, a derivative of the AK-47. [9]
63 式自动步枪 - 枪炮世界
63 式自动步枪是我国自行研制的第一支步枪(在外国被误称为68式)。 1958 年, 全国 掀起“大跃进”高潮,全国群众“鼓干劲”“争上游”,放卫星,创奇迹,国防科技界也跟随热潮行动起来,大干“一天等于 20 年”的工作, 63 式自动步枪就是在这样的时代背景下开始研制的。 1950年代我军装备仿制的苏式 AK-47突击步枪、SKS 半自动步枪和 RPD 轻机枪在我国统称为 56 式枪械,均发射 56 式 7.62mm 中间型枪弹,这在当时已是很先进的了。 但是在强调“独立自主,自力更生”的思想指导 …
Stoner 63 - Wikipedia
The Stoner 63 is a 5.56×45mm NATO modular weapon system. Using a variety of modular components, it can be configured as an assault rifle, carbine, top-fed light machine gun, belt-fed squad automatic weapon, or as a vehicle mounted weapon. [1] .
Type 63 assault rifle | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Type 63 (Chinese: 63式7.62mm自动步枪), often incorrectly referred to as Type 68[1] by Western sources, is a Chinese-designed rifle with a resemblance to the SKS. However, the weapon uses a rotating bolt working system from the AK-47 rifle instead of …
Stoner 63 System - Forgotten Weapons
2011年7月13日 · The Stoner 63 was in many ways a natural evolution of the AR15 rifle, with a strong emphasis on modularity. The driving idea behind the Stoner was to use a single receiver for an entire family of weapons. The stocks, barrels, sights, feed assemblies, trigger assemblies and other main components were all modular and interchangeable.
Stoner 63 (Universal Combat Weapon) - Military Factory
2023年9月6日 · The Stoner 63 (or "M63") was a revolutionary entry for its time, championed by firearms legend Eugene Stoner - creator of the AR-15 assault rifle which, in turn, became the U.S. Army's famous (and infamous) M16 series.
Type 63 assault rifle | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The Type 63 (Chinese: 63式自動步槍 63 shì zìdòng bùqiāng, lit. "Type 63 automatic rifle") is a Chinese assault rifle heavily resembling the SKS, but moreso based on the Type 56 assault rifle. The Type 63 was born of the Chinese military in the …
Stoner 63 - Modern Firearms
Just a year later Stoner turned out a new system, chambered for 5.56×45 M193 US service round, and known as Stoner 63. This system, developed and promoted until the early 1970s, was extensively tested by the US military as the XM22 (Stoner 63A rifle), XM23 (Stoner 63A carbine), and the XM207 (light machine gun with belt feed).
Type 63 anti-aircraft gun - Wikipedia
The Type 63 is a T-34-76 Obr.1943 produced by UralVagonZavod converted into an anti-aircraft vehicle, armed with Chinese twin 37 mm Type 61 AA guns. The related Type 65 variant was instead based on the T-34-85 chassis. None of the original Type 63's survive today. [3]
Stoner 63: Navy SEAL’s long favored Gun - American Shooting …
Have you heard of the Stoner 63 light machine gun? The Stoner 63, is a 5.56×45mm NATO, modular weapon system, using a variety of modular components, it can be configured as a rifle, a carbine, a top-fed light machine gun, a belt-fed squad automatic weapon, or …