Steyr AUG - Wikipedia
The Steyr AUG (German: Armee-Universal-Gewehr, lit. 'army universal rifle') is an Austrian bullpup assault rifle chambered for the 5.56×45mm NATO intermediate cartridge, designed in …
斯泰爾AUG突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
aug a2为隨遊戲登場武器,命名为“aug a2”,使用軍綠色槍身,由德國聯邦警察第九國境守備隊幹員和“白面具”恐怖份子所使用。 AUG A3 9mm XS于第三年追加下载内容“风城行 …
AUG - Steyr Arms USA
The iconic bullpup AUG has been one of the most recognizable rifles in the world since its adoption by the Austrian army in 1977 and is now used by international military units. Available …
Steyr AUG Assault Rifle / Carbine Assault Weapon - Military Factory
2021年8月10日 · The AUG A3 SF "Special Forces" (also AUG A2 "Commando") model was a specially-designed compact special forces version. The AUG Para of 1988 was the …
Steyr AUG A2 - FirearmCentral Wiki
The Steyr AUG A2 (Armee-Universal-Gewehr — Universal Army Rifle) is an Austrian bullpup assault rifle developed in the late 1990s from the AUG A1.
Steyr AUG: Historic Review Of The Other Green Meanie - Gun Digest
2024年10月7日 · The AUG has received a few minor tweaks since 1977, but besides some modernization features the rifle has remained mostly unchanged. The most major change …
AUG A2 突击步枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
斯太尔AUG(德语Armee Univeral Gewehr即[陆军通用步枪]的缩写),是奥地利斯太尔公司在60年代为竞标奥地利军方要求取代现有StG58(FNFAL的奥地利军方编号)步枪而研发的小口径突击步 …
Steyr AUG / Stg.77 - Modern Firearms
Since the 1997, the Steyr-Mannlicher produced an updated version of the AUG, the AUG A2. In around 2005, Steyr-Mannlicher introduced the most recent version of AUG, the AUG A3. This …
Steyr AUG | Gun Wiki - Fandom
The Steyr AUG is a gas-operated, select-fire family of bullpup weapons which fire from a closed bolt; it is designed as a modular weapon system which can be configured as an assault rifle, …
Steyr AUG A2 - AmmoTerra
The STEYR AUG A2 is a gas operated semi and fully automatic assault rifle with fully locked bolt, quick changeable barrel and integrated optical sight. The “Bull Pup“ design makes it a short, …