Beretta 93R - Wikipedia
The Beretta 93R is an Italian selective-fire machine pistol, designed and manufactured by Beretta in the late 1970s for police and military use, that is derived from their semi-automatic Beretta 92. The "R" stands for Raffica, which is Italian for "volley", "flurry", or "burst" (sometimes spoken "R" as "Rapid" in English).
Beretta 93R - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in …
Based on the Beretta 92 series pistols, the 93R is single-action and outfitted with a folding foregrip, muzzle brake, an optional detachable shoulder stock and a 20-round magazine.
Beretta 93R :: Guns.com
2013年2月11日 · With a sear capable of full-auto fire, the 93R is a buzz saw that if allowed to run wild could exceed 1100-rounds per minute cyclic. To put that in perspective, that’s twice as fast as most...
The Iconic Beretta 93R: Best Machine Pistol? - Firearms News
Introduced in the late 1970s, the Beretta 93R is a true "Rara Avis" in the field of burst-fire pistols. While most failed to be useful or efficient, the Beretta 93R was at the top of its category in terms of practicality. Renown photographer Franco Palamaro firing the 93R at the Beretta factory shooting range, circa 2007.
The True Story of the Beretta 93R 'Raffica' Machine Pistol
2022年11月25日 · James Reeves is at Beretta’s headquarters in Gardone Val Trompia, Italy, to discuss the true story of the full-auto Beretta 93R with the man who designed it himself, Signore Paolo Parola, a Beretta engineer for over 40 years.
Getting Raffica with the Beretta 93R | laststandonzombieisland
2024年12月6日 · Our choice was easy: the classic Cold War-era PM12 “Spaghetti Uzi” submachine gun, the exciting new NARP rifle, and the elusive 93R machine pistol. If you are pure of heart and wish hard enough, dreams can come true.
Select-Fire Beretta 9mm | Beretta 93R Pistol Review
2012年12月2日 · Beretta’s Model 93R (“93” is for the gun’s 9mm caliber and for it being the 3rd model; the “R” stands for raffica, or “automatic” in Italian) is one of the more interesting and functional machine pistols I’ve encountered.
HBM的核科技 中有一把逆天的 B93能量手枪。 不需要任何弹药即可发射。 被此手枪射中后等待一段时间后自爆(被给予! 效果)。 也就看不到生物爆炸的效果了(你就说炸没炸吧)。 而JEI中找到的! 喷溅和滞留药水,抛射距离极近,还经常被抗药性高的抵抗。 因此有了想用CRT/COT魔改的想法。 …… 下边用一个例子进行说明关联数组的一个用法:我希望给钻石剑添加一个特殊的机制:在攻击敌人时给对方上10s的饥饿、15s的中毒与5s的凋零(均为I级)。 事件本身比较简 …
B93 Raffica - Project Lazarus Wiki
The B93 Raffica is an Italian three-round burst machine pistol. It is available as a wall weapon for 500 points. It costs the same amount as the other starting room weapons and acts as the shorter ranged alternative to the M14 and SKS.
Vigor: B93 Raffica Gun Review - YouTube
The B93 Raffica is a purple pistol with burst and single fire ability. The Raffia is notoriously a popular side arm to use because of its high DPS. I reviewe...