M1895 Colt–Browning machine gun - Wikipedia
The Colt–Browning M1895, nicknamed "potato digger" because of its unusual operating mechanism, is an air-cooled, belt-fed, gas-operated machine gun that fires from a closed bolt …
The Colt 1895: America’s First Browning Machine Gun
2023年2月4日 · The Army Ordnance Board reviewed the firearm in June 1895 and wrote: “ The Colt automatic gun is an ingenious, compact, and relatively light arm. Its continuous automatic …
Model 1895/14 Colt-Browning Machine Gun - National Museum …
The Model 1895/14 Colt-Browning Machine Gun was the first gas operated machine gun adopted by the U.S. military. It was manufactured in a number of American and European calibers and …
Colt 1895 Potato Digger - Forgotten Weapons
2011年4月20日 · The Colt Model 1895 was John Browning’s first foray into machine gun design, and based largely on his previous work with lever action rifles. The gun used a rather unique …
M1895 “Potato Digger” Machine Gun - The Armory Life
2024年10月22日 · Based partially on a design for lever action rifles by John Moses Browning, the M1895 “Potato Digger” was a gas-operated, air-cooled, belt-fed machine gun with a cyclic rate …
This Old Gun: Colt Model 1895 Machine Gun - American Rifleman
2020年7月2日 · John Moses Browning actually created the gas-operated self-loading firearm with his development of what would become known as the Colt Model 1895 "Potato Digger" …
COLT AUTOMATIC GUN MODEL 1895/1914 - Small Arms Review
2011年2月10日 · The Colt Automatic Gun Model 1895 was the world’s first practical gas-actuated machine gun invented and designed by the firearms genius John Moses Browning. Being an …
Classics: Model 1895 Browning Machine Gun - Shooting Illustrated
2022年3月17日 · While the fine lines, elegant tripod and attached leather case might give the appearance of a fine instrument, the Colt Model 1895 Automatic belt-fed machine gun brought …
M1895 Colt Browning machine gun | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The Colt–Browning M1895, nicknamed "potato digger" because of its unusual operating mechanism, is an air-cooled, belt-fed, gas-operated machine gun that fires from a closed bolt …
First World War.com - Encyclopedia - Colt-Browning Gun
2009年8月22日 · The Colt-Browning, which weighed a little over 16kg, had a theoretical cyclic belt-fed firing rate of 500 rounds per minute. It is regarded as the first successful gas operated …