Gallery Of Guns / Gun Genie | Northeastshooters.com Forums
2012年6月9日 · Gun Genie is our new state-of-the-art consumer firearm purchasing tool. As one of America's leading and most progressive firearm distributors, Davidson's developed GalleryofGuns.com and Gun Genie to help communicate firearms information to you and offer you an on-line solution to purchase firearms from a "Retailer Near You".
How to PROPERLY order from Davidsons GunGenie / Gallery of …
2012年9月7日 · Now that we know how to properly do it, we can discuss how NOT to do it. I got a call at the crack of 10AM today. For the uninitiated: my urge to kill is pretty high before noon. I am not a morning person. Some lady wants to order some whatever. I honestly did not pay much attention to her. She wanted it through Gun Genie. Okay, no big deal.
Anyone use Davidson's Gun Genie to buy firearms? | Glock Talk
2014年5月17日 · Anyone tried this out? How to use the Gun Genie - YouTube Seems pretty legit. Could be a great way to compare prices. Anyone have any good/bad experience with it?
Davidsons Puts The "Gun Genie" Back In The Bottle
2008年5月14日 · Savannah Gun Store - CRC Guns and Weaponry is the choice for new and used firearms, gun-smithing and shooting gear for Savannah and the Coastal Empire. We are veteran owned and operated.
Davidsons Puts The "Gun Genie" Back In The Bottle | Page 2 ...
2017年6月26日 · The SCAR was an unknown entity, made by a company that was known for TERRIBLE customer service. So I advised people to spend the extra $75 on the SCAR from Davidsons vs one of the other distributors. I advised my clients to do the same with the other "hot" gun of the era, the Tavor. So Davidson's has its place.
Gallery of Guns : r/guns - Reddit
2019年12月27日 · I used them recently and was able to get a model of my Mark IV that wasn't available at any gun store near me. I called around everywhere. I found Davidson's Gun Genie to be cheaper and such an easy quick process. They shipped and delivered the gun within 3 …
First time using GoG Gun Genie : r/CAguns - Reddit
2024年1月9日 · 79K subscribers in the CAguns community. This subreddit is for the civil discussion of all things regarding California gun laws, rules, regulations…
Gallery of guns/ Gun genie : r/guns - Reddit
2023年5月26日 · Gallery of guns/ Gun genie Hello, I have been recently searching around shops and online and have stumbled across gun genie. The gun I’m looking for is listed as being $546 on gun genie and I live fairly close to the shop listed by gun genie so I decided to stop in and asked what the price would be if I bought it there, it would be $645 after taxes and transfer …
GoG Gun Genie Update on the 22/45 : r/CAguns - Reddit
2024年1月12日 · 79K subscribers in the CAguns community. This subreddit is for the civil discussion of all things regarding California gun laws, rules, regulations…
Gen 4 17C - Glock Talk
2016年10月26日 · I thought I'd put it out there for anyone else looking for one. If you want a Gen 4 17c and if this is a limited production run, this may be your best bet for getting one. The best offer price of the local retailers participating in the Gun Genie service was about $554 + tax (including fees and shipping).