MP-443 Grach - Wikipedia
The MP-443 Grach [a] (Russian: MП-443 Грач, lit. 'rook') or "PYa", for "Pistolet Yarygina " ("Yarygin Pistol"), following traditional Russian naming procedure (Russian: Пистолет Ярыгина), is currently the Russian standard military-issue side arm. The development was headed by the designer Vladimir Alexandrovich Yarygin .
The WORST pistol of the Russian army and its replacement
The MP-443 ‘Grach’ or ‘Yarygin’ pistol has been the standard sidearm of all branches of Russian military and law enforcement since 2003. It was a much-awaited replacement for the outdated...
MP-443烏鴉式手槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
烏鴉是一款 雙動操作 的 短行程後座作用式 半自動手槍。 該槍由一款經簡化的柯爾特—白朗寧 後膛 (英语:Breechloader) 式設計以完成閉鎖,類似設計亦可在許多現代化手槍(例如 SIG P226半自動手槍 和 格洛克手槍 槍族)以上發現。 其大型 套筒阻鐵 可以由使用者自行設定在左側或右則。 其固鎖待發式 手動保險 位於 套筒 的下方、握把護板的上方,並且設於左右兩側。 烏鴉的 擊錘 部分隱藏在 套筒 內,這是為了防止射手在拔槍時擊錘被衣服和裝備所纏繞, 彈匣釋 …
MP-443 Grach: An Overview of Russia’s Military Standard Sidearm
2023年2月23日 · The MP-443 Grach, also known as the “PYa” or “Yarygin Pistol,” is the standard military-issue sidearm in Russia. This semi-automatic pistol boasts a high capacity and utilizes a double-action, short-recoil design.
MP-443 (Grach) Semi-Automatic Military Service Pistol - Military Factory
2022年6月20日 · The MP-443 Grach (Mechanical Plant Model 443 - "Rook") was adopted by the Russian Army as its standard sidearm in 2003 but useful numbers were not seen until about 2012. It succeeded the ages-old Makarov pistol as standard issue.
Yarygin PYa - Weaponsystems.net
The Yaragin PYa is a modern pistol of Russian origin. It was developed in the 1990's as a replacement for the ubiquitous Makarov PM pistol. The PYa is named after is developer and is also known as the MP-443 Grach. In 2002 it was selected as the standard sidearm for all …
MP443 - Battlefield Wiki
The MP-443 Grach, also known as Pistolet Yarygina (Пистолет Ярыгина, Yarygin's Pistol), is a Russian semi-automatic pistol designed by Vladimir Yarygin in the 1990s and manufactured by Izhevsk Mechanical Plant. It was developed in response to Russian military trials, which began in 1993, to replace the Makarov PM.
MP-443 Grach | Military Wiki | Fandom
The MP-443 Grach (Russian: MP-443 Грач[1]) is Russian standard military-issue side arm. It was developed under designation "Grach" in response to Russian military trials, which began in 1993. In 2003, it was adopted under designation PYa[2] (GRAU index 6P35) as a …
MP-443 Grach | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The MP-443 Grach (Russian: MP-443 «Грач»; English: MP-443 Rook; GRAU designation: 6P35), also known as the PYa (ПЯ, Пистолет Ярыгина, Pistolet Yarygina; Yarygin Pistol), is a Russian pistol designed for Russian 9x19mm 7N21 and 7N31 overpressure rounds.
6P35 "Grach" and MP-446 Viking
The Grach-3 emerged as the PMM, a modified Makarov, now considered only as an interim weapon pending the final development of the Grach-2, eventually selected for Russian armed forces service as the 6P35 Grach, or PYa (Pistolet Yarygin after …