AK-47 - Wikipedia
The AK-47, officially known as the Avtomat Kalashnikova (Russian: Автомат Калашникова, lit. 'Kalashnikov's automatic [rifle]'; also known as the Kalashnikov or just AK), is an assault rifle that is chambered for the 7.62×39mm cartridge.
AK-47 | Definition, History, Operation, & Facts | Britannica
2025年3月11日 · AK-47, Soviet assault rifle, possibly the most widely used shoulder weapon in the world. The initials AK represent Avtomat Kalashnikova, Russian for “automatic Kalashnikov,” for its designer, Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov, who designed the accepted version of the weapon in 1947.
卡拉什尼科夫自動步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
卡拉什尼科夫 自動步槍 (俄语: Автомат Калашникова, 羅馬化:Avtomat Kalashnikova,缩写为 「АК」),于1947年研制的版本稱為“AK-47”, [4] 卡拉什尼科夫 自動步槍 是由 前蘇聯 槍械設計師 米哈伊爾·季莫費耶維奇·卡拉什尼科夫 設計的 突击步枪。 卡拉什尼科夫原本是 蘇聯紅軍 的坦克兵,在 布良斯克战役 受伤送至後方醫院救治後而開始研究槍械工藝,期間他在工廠裡自行設計了一支 衝鋒槍,是為 PPK-42 (俄语:Пистолет-пулемёт Калашникова (1942)) (ППК …
Kalashnikov rifle - Wikipedia
Kalashnikov rifles (Russian: Автоматы Калашникова), also known as the AK platform, AK rifles or simply the AK, are a family of assault rifles based on Mikhail Kalashnikov 's original design. They are officially known in Russian as avtomat Kalashnikova (Russian: автомат …
The AK-47: Everything You Want to Know - Military.com
2020年8月11日 · Carried by American enemies and allies alike since 1947, it is the standard infantry weapon for 106 countries. There are an estimated 100 million AK-47s of a number of variations round the world....
K-47戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
K-47戰鬥機是一款全金屬製低單翼戰鬥機,機身為半硬殼式橢圓形橫切面,機翼為為薄翼弦之容式傳統衍梁組架金屬張臂式,為加強結構強度而在機翼下方有V字形支架,機尾為免阻礙後座機槍手瞄準開火而採用H字形設計,駕駛艙為開放式並有前座飛行員和後座機槍手總共兩個座位,起落架為固定式並有液壓減震器,總的來說,K-47以1930年代的標準來說是一款很先進的飛機,故一推出容克斯就派其到世界各國做飛行表演和邀請包含日本在內的各國武官到瑞典考察,但結果各國 …
AK-47 Rifles, Pistols, Parts, and Accessories - Palmetto State Armory
Explore Our Extensive Selection of AK-47 Firearms and Components from Palmetto State Armory and other Trusted Brands. Get Your Iconic AK-47 Today! SAVE $99.99 When you add both! ... The AK-47, officially known as the Avtomat Kalashnikova model 1947, was developed by Soviet engineer Mikhail Kalashnikov in the aftermath of World War II.
AK-47s for Sale | Shop Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore
Explore the collection of tactical AK-47s curated by Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore. The AK-47 was designed with inexpensive parts, easy repairability, and a simple, highly modifiable design as the guiding ethos. As a result, our AK-47s for sale are …
Kalashnikov 101: The History of the AK-47 - Guns.com
2019年8月20日 · Mikhail Kalashnikov's internationally recognized AK47 is an iconic symbol in gun culture around the globe, one with a universal adapter.
How AK-47 Guns Work - Kalashnikov Weaponry Timeline - Popular Mechanics
2017年9月17日 · How the AK-47 became the go-to rifle for insurgents, rebels and warlords the world over. At the dawn of the Cold War, former Soviet soldier Mikhail Kalashnikov, 26, led a team in the design of a...