[1.2.5] [ModLoader]Make a Gun Mod - Minecraft Forum
2012年10月20日 · package net.minecraft.src; public class ItemGun extends Item{ //These are all of our base variables for our gun private int damage; //Damage in half-hearts private int reloadtick; //The current value of our reloading timer private int reloadmax; //The value that the reloadtick variable needs to be in order for the gun to reload private int clipid; //The item id of our clip …
[MOD] DesnoGuns Mod | more than 50 weapons | r025 | by …
2014年12月13日 · In this thread you can report bugs, tell me your suggestions, tell me what you think of this mod or just share with everyone something you did with this mod (you can post screenshots too). Information:
How To Make a Gun Mod? - Discussion - Minecraft Forum
2013年8月29日 · How To Make a Gun Mod? #1 Aug 29, 2013. JLC5087X. JLC5087X. View User Profile View Posts Send Message ...
How to get Minecraft GUN mod 1.19.x (series) (Forge, Fabric, …
2022年9月18日 · EP 01 Minecraft GUN mod 1.19.x - How download and install Guns mod (with datapack)
Automatic Machine Gun Mod - Mod Packs - Minecraft Forum
2016年5月29日 · This mod adds an automatic machine gun to the game which can be placed down on the ground and then automatically detect and shoot nearby hostile mobs. It’s a really powerful gun which will help you to better withstand attacks from the bad guys in Minecraft. A few of these and you can immediately feel much more safe!
[1.6.4] Basic Guns Mod! [1.7.10 / 1.13 Update In Progress 04/03/19 ...
2010年1月7日 · A Basic Gun Mod for Minecraft. This mod has six different types of guns: Pistol SMG Shotgun LMG Assault Rifle Sniper Rifle---YOU MUST CRAFT STEEL ORE!!---CHECK CRAFTING TAB Each one of these has at least three attachments or more that you can choose to put on them. Each gun is made like a real gun of that type so they are not all the same.
[1.7.2] [Forge] Elemental Guns Mod - Now with Explosive Gun!
2014年5月4日 · - Air Gun pushes the player back in the opposite direction it fires. - If an Air Gun is pointed directly down, it can be used to fly upwards. - If an Air Gun is fired downwards enough times while falling, it can prevent fall damage. Crafting Recipes:
Old Guns Mod -- Blackpowder Guns and Artillery - Minecraft Forum
2023年5月22日 · Old Guns Mod (Forge) A mod that supplies a collection of antique firearms. Heavily inspired by Ye Olde Minegunner mod from the days of Minecraft Beta v1.... This site works best with JavaScript enabled.
[1.4.7][MP] Heuristix's TheGunMod 2.0.3 [UPDATED][Forge]
2013年2月28日 · -Added particle release on gun shot-Refactored some logic within projectile and shooter classes-Updated to Minecraft v1.0.0! v0.6:-Removed support for .GUN file within the mod (ingame). The mod will only load GUN2 files. In order to convert your .GUN files to .GUN2, open the .GUN files in the GunCreator and save them as .GUN2 files.
[FORGE]Modular Tesseract Gun Mod!! Shoot your own Plasma …
2015年1月31日 · This mod adds a special gun to Minecraft that shoots plasma bolts. It runs on Tesseract dust and the Tesseract itself. When you first craft the gun, it uses Tesseract Dust, which spawns below y=40 underground. You can switch modes using the "B" key. At first, you only have modes: Light, Medium, and Heavy.