How do you gunzip a file and keep the .gz file? - Super User
The gzcat command is equivalent to gunzip -c which simply writes the output stream to stdout. This will leave the compressed file untouched. So you can also use: gunzip -c x.txt.gz >x.txt Note that on some systems gzcat is also known as zcat so run like this instead: zcat x.txt.gz >x.txt
linux - How do I gunzip to a different destination directory ...
2014年10月29日 · Ask gunzip to output to standard output and redirect to a file in that directory: gunzip -c file.gz > /THERE/file zcat is a shortcut for gunzip -c. If you want to gunzip multiple files iterate over all files: for f in *.gz; do STEM=$(basename "${f}" .gz) gunzip -c "${f}" > /THERE/"${STEM}" done
gzip - How do I gunzip a directory? - Super User
tar cf - directory | gzip -9c > foo.tar.gz Then copy this as before, then do the reverse: tar xzf foo.tar.gz If you're using SSH to transfer the files, you can skip the intermediate step of having a file to store and transfer:
gunzip - How do I decompress .bgz files? - Super User
2018年9月18日 · gunzip -c nnnnn.tsv.bgz > nnnnn.tsv Or: gzcat nnnnn.tsv.bgz > nnnnn.tsv This answer is come from github link.
What can be used to 'gzip' in Windows? - Super User
As mentioned in @djvg's answer, Windows includes tar since 2017. But those that are unwilling to install anything and wish to use gzip or gunzip to compress or decompress single files can create a System.IO.Compression.GZipStream object in PowerShell and compress or decompress by giving System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode as a parameter to it, as done in the two …
Newest 'gunzip' Questions - Super User
Pipe gunzip and mysql to gunzip a dump and import it I have a .gz sql dump file (example: foo.sql.gz) that i want import in my database with the classic mysql command. gunzip -c foo.sql.gz > foo.sql mysql -uroot -ppassword foo < foo.sql foo is ...
linux - can gunzip work on file without a suffix? - Super User
There are two issues here. gunzip can be used to decompress any single file compressed with gzip regardless of the file's extension. gunzip < file > output file. A zip file (one containing multiple compressed files) is incompatible with gunzip. For this kind of file, you need to use unzip.
gunzip - gzip: CHARTEVENTS.csv.gz: not in gzip format - Super User
2019年9月13日 · But when I try to gunzip it, it also said "not in gzip format". It turns out that my "file.txt.gz" is not archive of a file named "file.txt" that compressed into gzip, but just a text stream that not written to a file yet. The stream then directly compressed and later saved into a raw gzip without headers.
linux - Unexpected end of file. Gzip compressed file - Super User
gunzip -f the_name_of_the_file.gz I alsways get: gzip: the_name_of_the_file.gz: unexpected end of file The same problem happens when I try to extract the file using the GUI tool in Ubuntu or MacOSX, Any ideas?
gunzip -c equivalent for tar.gz files? - Super User
What is the equivalent of gunzip -c to pipe the content of a bunch of tar.gz files without having to permanently "tar xzf" them and "tar czf" them back? Something like: tar xzf "-c" *.tar.gz | xargs